Ribbon Materials

There are lots of things you can do with ribbons, such as making crafts; however,
you want your piece of art or craft to be perfect if you’re going to spend all of that time on it, right?
Of course you do.
First of all, you need to look at what it is you’re going to actually make;
depending on what you make, the material used may or may not be appropriate.
Or, on the other hand, you may be able to get a much better effect from one material or another, for example,
if you need to decorate a wedding cake one of the best materials you can use for effect is lace, satin or
silk, as they both give a little glamour and quality to the look of the cake.
Do not decorate a wedding cake with a material that is for example a solid, plain and
thick textured type of ribbon – in my experience, it doesn’t look great!
Once you have decided what you’re using the ribbon for, more often than not, you will get a good feel for which type of material it is you wish to use.
However, most people are unaware what ribbon materials are available and often go for a type that they have heard of.
Therefore, the list of ribbon types below may give you some fresh ideas and open your mind to a whole load of ribbons.
There are different types of burlap ribbon i.e. choose between Faux, Wired, String, Twisted and so forth.
This is certainly different and stands out very well.
There are other materials available at various online stores; however, if you want to get a feel for them,
you could have a look at your closest ribbon supplier.
Then you can familiarise yourself with the different textures, styles and colours.
Some are more upmarket than others; therefore, expect to pay more for ribbons such as Silk, as apposed to cotton.
However, depending on what you need the ribbon for could determine the style of ribbon you may purchase.
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License: Image author owned
License: Image author owned
Bradley is a specialist and has vast knowledge when it comes to ribbons, as Bradley has made many different types of arts and crafts over the years.
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Hello BloggerOne,
Thank you for showing us the types in details. It is very much helpful for me to distinguish among them.