Why You Should Coupon during These Economic Times

Have you ever wondered whether you should start becoming a regular coupon user? You think about the potential stigma attached to not paying with real money when you get to the counter. And you think about the tough economic times where bills keep going up. You ask yourself whether it’s really worth it.
The truth is it’s worth it. Nielsen conducted research and produced a paper called The Power of the In-Store Experience which revealed how 44 percent of North Americans surveyed regularly use coupons for their grocery shopping. And 88 percent use them occasionally.
You aren’t alone and coupons are the future. Get involved now and start saving money for you and your family.
Are Food Prices Rising?
The US Department of Agriculture revealed how food prices have risen sharply by 15 percent since January 2012. Look here for a full breakdown of rising food prices. As we can see, poor harvests in the US and around the world have meant countries have to increasingly rely on foreign imports. This is more expensive than growing the food at home. Naturally, stores pass the costs onto you.
What about Luxuries?
Life wouldn’t be worth living without the little luxuries which brighten our day. Thereare coupons for these too. You can find coupons on practically anything from electric toothbrushes to spa getaways near you. All you have to do is find them. Sign up to a coupon
website and see what you can find.
Statistics from Business Insider reveal 53.2 million Americans will start using coupons by 2014. This is a huge amount and it demonstrates how much you can really save from deciding to pay with codes instead of cash.
Get More for Less
The middle classes have been hit the hardest by these tough economic times. They had the most to lose because unlike the rich they didn’t have their money tied up in assets. And they were better off than the poor because they simply had more than them. They’re the
squeezed middle. It represents millions of Americans who have now fallen on hard times.
If this is you, it’s possible to continue living the lifestyle you lived before. It just requiresmore effort. The biggest advantage of coupons is you can get more for less. You can find
many different types of coupons, including:
• Straight price cuts.
• Buy one get one free.
• Buy a meal and get the drinks free.
These are just three of the main types of promotional codes. Sites like promocode4share.com are working to help people to get back on their feet. Please visit here for more information.
An Online Community
A lot of people enjoy searching for bargains through coupons. It’s a thriving online community which constantly shares information about the latest deals. Join up with people in your area and help them save money by giving them tips about where to find great
savings. You might even make some new friends along the way!