The Importance Of Having A Quality Shaving Cream

If you want to experience the best shave ever, check out The Art of Shaving. This store has more than enough to get you started with shaving. The type of shaving cream you apply to your face can make a huge difference in how your final shave feels.
People often ignore the importance of having a quality shaving cream when they go to shave their face, or any other part of their body. If the shaving cream does not penetrate the skin hair enough, the shave will not be as comfortable. A good tip that most people ignore is, wetting the face with warm water before applying the shaving cream. This helps the hair stand on its end. The shave will be a lot closer and feel great afterwards. There will be no stubble on the face if this is done.
Going in both directions might seem time consuming for a quick shave. If you go both directions though, it will make sure that every last piece of hair is removed. You should apply shaving creams twice if you want the full effect. Get a shaving cream that is easy to apply two times in a row.
Some people still enjoy using the traditional method of shaving their face. This includes applying shaving soap with a badger-hair brush. It is easy to re-apply the soap if you are using a brush. Just dip the brush inside the soap cup and you can get as much soap as you need. It holds the soap very well so you might not even need to dip it in again. These soaps are often much cheaper than the bottle forms of soap. When your hands are wet and creamy from the soap, the last thing you want to do is try and find the trigger for a push-button soap.
The type of razor itself is also very important for getting the right kind of shave. Some people find that the straight razor allows them to get the closest shave possible. This is true because there are not any lotion attachments to these razors, most of the time. They are simply razors and meant to cut hair. The newer razors try to moisturize the skin even more. This doesn’t necessarily work most of the time if there is already cream on the face. In the end, it is up to you how you want to shave. There are many options to choose from these days. Experiment with them and choose the one that works best.