Men’s Fashion Trends To Leave Behind In 2023

New year, new me right? At the start of every year, each and every one of us aim to improve ourselves in a number of ways, whether it’s to increase productivity, build our confidence or do something health related such as quitting smoking. Whatever your improvement is, go for it! If you are a fashion-focused gentleman who enjoys the finer things in life, your self-improvement could be to get rid of your questionable 2022 garments, from Spring to Autumn fashion, that just haven’t trended for as long as you may have thought.
This isn’t a recommendation to change your wardrobe every year as this is extremely unsustainable. But if you are one to jump into fashion trends with both feet before looking, then chances are that you have some horrendous “trending” pieces that you wouldn’t dream of wearing in 2023. The truth is, trends come and go, and if you know anything about fashion, it’s that not all trends are for everyone, and to be completely honest, you shouldn’t be following trends, you should have your own style which makes you unique. In this article, we will go through some of the men’s fashion trends that you should be leaving behind in 2023.
For some very strange reason, one of the worst haircuts in the world became increasingly popular in 2022, the mullet. It has had such bad press for many years and we genuinely never thought it would ever come back in the modern society we live in, but it did. This needs to stop now, it was born in the 80s and it should have stayed in the 80s. There are many reasons why t came so popular, with the rise of Tiktok and Gen Z culture, it somehow made a return. Yes, it’s unique, but does it look good? No, no it doesn’t. This is certainly a trend that needs to be left in 2022 with some of the other awful trends. Instead, opt for a clean and simple haircut that is versatile enough to be able to style when you want to.
The moustache can be a great addition to your alternative style if you have the face for it. If you have a strong jaw and confidence, then you will be able to pull it off. Do you remember when the beard trend was going strong in the 2010s? Well if you do, you will know that almost every man was trying to grow one, even if they didn’t have the genes for it. Well in 2022, this was the case with the moustache. Many people have been trying to grow moustaches even if they couldn’t have a full one which left many top lifts looking fluffy and wispy. Let’s cut this out, if you can’t grow one properly, don’t grow one. A clean-shaven face is much better than a few straggly hairs on your top lip. If you are wanting a moustache, then ensure that you can grow a full one before you commit.
If you are an athlete, a runner or a cyclist, then the wrap-around shades are great for doing those activities. What they are not great for is looking stylish or looking cool with your latest streetwear clothing. If you are one who owns a pair, then pop them on vinted, and get a pair that is more versatile. If you like them, well hey! Who are we to judge, but we can guarantee that when you see photos in a couple of years, chances are you are going to be mortified that you even had a pair. There are many styles of shades out there, but not all shades will suit your or your face shape which is very important if you hope to look your best. Simple sunglasses frames in black, gold, silver or tortoiseshell will suffice in 2023.
Some will be happier than others about this, but for millennials, it may seem like an end to an era. Many guys are still trying to get out of their skinny jeans and others are just not being able to adapt to the change. Yes, they can look great, more refined and smarter, but this trend has to end at some point, and it had a good run with it being around for well over a decade. In 2023, this is the last chance you are going to have to scrap them for a more tailored fitting. This doesn’t mean over baggy, this means something slightly looser to let your crotch breathe once more. Slim fit or tapered fits are a great option for 2023.
On the opposite side of the jeans fitting scale is the ridiculous baggy jeans. They were popular in the 90s and 00s, but they haven’t seen a comeback that lasted very long. They’re hard to walk in, they look scruffy at the bottom and they completely hide your silhouette, nobody wants to be wearing bags. So to get the gist of what is going on, we don’t want to be seeing really skinny jeans, and we don’t want to be seeing overly baggy jeans, we want something in the middle. So keep away from the extremes.
Crocs are 100% the ugliest pair of shoes/ footwear you will ever see in your life. Yes, they may also be the most comfortable, but if you are trying to up your style game, then you need to leave these in 2022 where they belong. To be honest, if you had a pair of these, then there may be a few things to remove from your wardrobe because no self-respecting man would be knocking around in these in public.
Suits have many fits and yes, you are supposed to be able to move in them. No circulation cut-offs when you wear them where you can’t raise your arms or even walk without looking like John Wayne. Slim and skinny fit suits are great when you are young and don’t really have much of a body to fit into them, but this is where tailoring comes into play. Although tight-fitting clothes have been coming out of style for a while, some men are still struggling to let go of this way of life. Instead, opt for a tailored fit suit that complements your silhouette without showing off everything. A tailor-made suit is what everyone would like, but this just isn’t realistic with the extreme price tags that come with it. Instead, an off-the-shelf suit will suffice and then take it to a tailor to make it fit you perfectly. This is a much more affordable option.