What Does A Court Reporter Do?

Last week I was at a party. It was a friend’s party and I knew no one there. As with all parties where you don’t know someone, you feel obliged to talk to people so you don’t feel like an outcast.
Once you ask the person how their night is going, I always ask them what they do for work. I do this partly so they will ask me and I can treat every occasion as a networking event. You never know who your next client will be.
But back to this lady I was talking to. She told me she was a West Palm Beach Court Reporter. I had never heard of this job title before. This is what I told her. Then she mentioned they are also called court stenographers. Now that was a title I had never heard of. But I wasn’t exactly sure what their job entitled.
Court reporters ensure that everyone’s rights are protected during legal processes by creating an accurate original record of what is said in courts, legislative assemblies and committees, public hearings, inquiry boards, and tribunals.
Firstly they capture everything said during court proceedings by using a steno-type machine. Secondly, they deliver transcripts of the proceedings to all parties involved.
Some especially skilled court reporters can provide instant transcripts while the proceedings are taking place.
In addition to recording and transcribing, court reporters can also read back statements or evidence during proceedings if requested and ensure their transcripts are accurate by researching quotes, checking copy against original records and contacting judges to verify rulings. They can also send transcripts to lawyers, judges or other officials, or the public upon request.
Provincial, local, state and federal government agencies along with law firms are the general groups that would hire a court reporter in West Palm Beach.
Obviously court reporters work in courts ranging from federal and provincial legislative assemblies. They can also use their skill set to work in other environments by recording different things that are not court proceedings. Some examples are sporting events, news broadcasts, conferences or awards shows. They would be doing this for closed captioning audiences.
After the conversation winded down with this lady I had just met, I was very well educated on what a court reporter actually does. It seems like it would be an interesting job. Especially for those who like law. It’s not a paid career path as there will always be a need for them. So if you’re looking for job security and like law, maybe you should consider becoming a court reporter.