These Days There Are Pills For Everything

These days, we have medications and pills for almost everything. Whether we want to relieve congestion, control diabetes or lower our blood pressure, we can find a pill or tablet that will accomplish these things. One of the most innovative products to come out recently is a tablet that allows women to delay their menstrual cycles. It is a safe tablet that usually requires no prescription, although you will need a doctor’s review in order to get it. These tablets contain a small amount of the female hormone progesterone, and work by keeping these levels up in the woman’s body so that her period is delayed.
Sometimes, it is just plain inconvenient to have a menstrual cycle. Maybe you are going away for a romantic weekend, are extra busy at work, or simply want to relax without the hassles of having a period. In these and many other cases, taking a pill that actually delays your period is an excellent option. The pill, which contains a dose of norethisterone, works because it keeps the level of progesterone in a woman’s body higher than normal, which will delay her period. Norethisterone, a synthetic version of progesterone, prevents the uterine lining from shedding, therefore delaying your menstrual cycle. Your cycle can be delayed by up to 17 days, which is a big advantage if you have a holiday or other special event planned anytime soon.
Many online pharmacies sell norethisterone. To receive the pills, all you need to do is fill out an online form, which will be sent to a physician for review. If the doctor determines that it is safe for you to take, the medication will be sent to you at your home.
When using period delay tablets, there are a few things all consumers should know. The tablets are not a form of contraception, so you should always continue using your current birth control method as directed. In addition, while these tablets are safe to use if you’re taking the mini pill, it is not recommended for those women who take the combined contraceptive pill. Also, as with many other medications, these tablets should never be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you still have concerns or questions about the tablets, it is recommended that you consult with your regular physician.
There are a variety of online pharmacies that will assist you in obtaining tablets that will delay your period. After review by a physician who takes a look at your specific situation, including your overall health, the tablets can be ordered online and delivered to you personally. The product is effective and inexpensive, often costing less than £20 for a total of thirty tablets.
There are many reasons why a woman would want to delay her period, and these days, there is a simple, fast and safe way to do this. Going online is an excellent first step, because it will allow you to research and find out more about this effective and inexpensive tablet.