The Beauty of the Skin and It’s Care

The skin is really a very tricky essential part of the body. If you want a good looking, beautiful, healthy and radiant skin, then you should give it a good attention and nourishment. It is also possible to delay the ageing signs of skin as medical sciences have advance creating a room for skin beauty. Amazingly, research results show that: whatever is put in the mouth is more important compared to what is put on skin. If you’re healthy it will definitely show on your face. Therefore, it is recommended that to have a beautiful skin one should take meals on proper diet that is rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants, a lot of coloured vegetables and fruits. Not forgetting to do constant, regular exercises, as it improves the circulation of blood and then flushes out the toxins in the body.
If the skin is not well maintained or cared for a lot of problems may arise although most of the problems when identified and are treated very early then they can be quickly reversible.
The skin ageing process usually depends on genetics but for a woman it occurs at any time in 20’s and 30’s.To get a better and lovely skin one needs to have adequate sleeps(with this the skin does rejuvenates and repair itself),secondly eat proper consistent diet, you should stay healthy and ensure that you stay hydrated, with this few tips you wont regret during ageing .Perhaps if you are not aware of how to know you skin conditions it is good to visit professional doctors especially the dermatologists who will give you approaches on how to maintain ,treat, care or handling your skin problems. Some beauty skin products are bad while some are good therefore it is good to have prescribed products by an expert.
To have a gorgeous look and a pretty smooth skin then make is a key factor for your skin beauty and care, especially for any uneven skin. Unfortunately, if you happen to have an uneven tone skin then it is advisable that you should prep the skin using a primer, before you even start wearing on makeup. Priming the face ensures that the makeup always stay put.
For an extensive face skin makeup care, you can opt for a colour that closely matches to your skin and apply it in a way to make it look even.
Also you can preferably use powder or lotions to apply on your body this will help you shift from an uneven skin, and results are with beauty make up it will not bring out ,probably the best looking features but it will definitely hide your lovely flawed skin.
Ensure you choose beauty products that will give you no side effects or complications in future.
Have a mixture of vinegar and rosewater, both should be equal to 1 teaspoon. Apply smoothly on your skin and wait for 11 minutes or so and then wash it out using some ordinary water
Secondly, mix honey with tomato juice, each 1 tea spoon .Let it dry on the body or face for 11 minutes and wash it out using ordinary water
Author Bio:
This is a Guest Post by Raj yoga trainer has few meditation halls in India and General Physician in his spare time blogs at besthealthbenefits