Raising a Young Yeti? 4 Tips for Taking Your Kid Winter Hiking

When the temperature drops, your temptation might be to stay inside with heat cranked up and your body covered by blankets. Your child, on the other hand, may be raring to get outside and trample around in the snow. You will find a great bonding opportunity in the form of winter hikes. It might be chilly, but there’s something incredibly gratifying about braving the elements, especially with your youngster by your side. Here are four tips for taking your kid winter hiking.
As long as there’s nature around you, there’s going to be some kind of a trail to go hiking on. However, you should try your best to find a trail that is designed specifically with hiking in mind. Look into local parks and nature reserves. See what their guidelines are for hiking, such as the hours of availability. You should also see how hilly these areas are so that you know whether it’ll be too strenuous for you and your kid.
Proper supplies are all absolutely necessary for your hike to be a success. You want to have a spacious backpack with things like hand warmers, additional clothing, snacks, flashlights, and other survival gear. You should also carry a compass, in case you find yourself lost during the hike. Even if the hike seems cinchy, don’t take your child out up into the wintery mountains unprepared.
You want to make sure that you and your kid are both suited up properly for a winter hike. The number of layers you have will depend on how cold it is and how much snow is on the ground. You also want to pay close attention to the wind chill. Make sure that and your kid are thoroughly covered by scarves and gloves. If it gets too cold for either of you, it’s time to head back. Also, don’t forget proper footwear. Sturdy hiking boots will help ensure you footing is secure.
If this is your kid’s first winter hike, they’re going to need to go slowly. Don’t set your expectations too high only to find that they want to go home less than halfway in. You also shouldn’t tell them that there’s a certain criterion for distance or time that must be met. Simply tell them that you’ll be hiking for as long as they’re comfortable. This can help show them how much you value their comfort, which will build trust. As you strive for safety, keep in mind that accidents happen on hikes. In the event of an injury, visit an urgent care or emergency room as soon as possible.
Winter hiking with your kid can teach you and your offspring about how to appreciate the moment and the beauty of nature. The breathtaking site of a trail covered in snow is one that you’ll never forget. By taking your kid winter hiking, you can instill in them an everlasting love of the outdoors and spending time with you.