Pros and Cons of Bionic Contact Lenses

Google glasses may be the latest thing, but bionic contact lenses could be next. Another product that is well in development, this newest lens technology is in the process of not only helping eyes to accent objects but allowing those who are vision impaired a chance to identify their surroundings better. However, there are mixed views on how far science is going as far as changing our senses with technology. Depending on how people see it, there are both pro and con views to use of the bionic contact lenses.
Currently the development of the bionic contact lens cannot make the promise to regain complete vision, but it can help to regain partial vision. For those whose vision has worsened with age or medical conditions such as macular degeneration and retinal pigmentosa, the bionic contact lenses can help them to see objects only slightly more clearly than before. The vision will be grainy and rather than seeing a lot of color, it is a dull version of black and white.
Bionic contact lenses can also mean an augmented reality vision experience for those who are not vision impaired. An augmented lens alone will help enhance a person’s vision, but the bionic contact lens can do much more than that. With the nanotechnology that is used and the possibility of communicating with someone via email or sharing images that you see, the bionic contact lens is a way for technology to become even a larger part of our lives in the future than it currently is by enhancing what we are able to do each day.
Because of how a bionic contact lens is programmed, a person might need a lot of adjustment when they start wearing them. Side effects to wearing bionic contact lenses because of the augmented lenses can include disorientation from your other senses such as hearing and balance. Being disorientated can lead to nausea as well.
With the possible ability to communicate via bionic contact lenses, a person can have continuous access to even more information and easily take photos in public because it is not as obvious as it was before. With ease of access to so much information, there could be little privacy and at the moment there are no laws in existence to protect people and their privacy. From here on, it is difficult to know what the future will be like as far as syncing technology with the human body and how we communicate will be far different with such features than it currently is.
There are many different thoughts and concerns on the future concerning bionic contact lenses. Knowing where and which contact lenses online to buy is a large enough focus for those with impaired vision. So far researchers have done studies on rabbits to see how well they will do with these bionic contact lenses. But with the ever aging population and more people developing vision impairments, we can only predict just how much the development in bionic contact lenses will affect our future.
Kate Simmons is a health blogger who is interested in helping others learn about choices available for them to in order to be able to make healthy decisions. She is especially interested in new options for people with visual impairments.