Whether you are planning to go on vacation for a few days or weeks, there are a few precautionary steps you need to take to safeguard your home. Remember that burglars are always on the lookout for unoccupied homes and plan their attack. It won’t take a lot of effort for someone to trespass your property and take your most valuable possessions.

You wouldn’t want to keep fearing for your valuables while you are enjoying a well-deserved holiday; however, it is crucial to take precautionary steps to keep your home safe while you are away. Since you obviously have important documents as well as expensive and priceless valuables you don’t want to lose, you need to properly protect them from burglars. Here are a few basic preventive measures that can go a long way in protecting your home and valuables.

Tip #1: Install and use home alarm systems

It is not enough to simply keep your doors and windows closed and locked. You also need to install a reliable security system at home and remember to turn them on. This may sound obvious but you will be surprised as to how many people have home alarm systems but never use them. With that said, it is essential to turn your system on, even when you are just running a short errand.

Keep in mind that properties without a reliable security system are more likely to be burglarized. Based on the survey conducted by the FBI, a home burglary occurs every 13 seconds and most of these crimes happen during the day while the residents are away. To that end, aside from using a home security system, you should also avoid leaving spare keys outdoors. As a tip, you can give the spare key to a trusted relative or neighbor in case of emergency.

Tip #2: Keep up the appearance of being at home even when you’re on vacation

It is imperative to not let other people know that your house is vacant for a period of time. Remember that burglars are always watching for vacant homes and they can attack the moment you leave your house unattended. With that said, you need to take certain steps to keep up the appearance that you are at home even when you are away. Here are a few tips:

  • Install a light timer:

This system allows you to program your lights so that it will go on and off in various areas the house all day and night. You can even install a system that records your light switching pattern and copies it when you are not at home.

  • Do not close your window treatments all the way down:

A lot of people think that this is a good idea but it has the reverse effect. A closed curtain will make your home look unnatural during the day and it keeps neighbors from seeing any suspicious activities in your house. As a tip, keep your window treatments as you normally would while you are at home.

  • Hold your mail:

You can ask your local post office to hold your mail for a few days or weeks while you are on vacation. You can also ask a trusted neighbor, friend, or relative to pick up your mail while you are away. Keep in mind that a mailbox filled with unopened mail is a clear sign that tells burglars you are not at home.

Tip #3: Secure storage for your valuables

Aside from deterring burglars from entering your house, you must also take precautions to safeguard your valuables. For instance, you can place your valuables in a secured private safe. You can even consider getting self storage to keep your belongings safe and secured while you are away. A self storage facility uses high-end electronic alarm, video, and monitoring systems to ensure that your valuables are protected and secured. In doing so, even when burglars get inside your property, they won’t be able to take anything of real value.

Tip #4: Notify a neighbor or a friend and the police

You should also let a trusted neighbor or friend know that you will be going away on vacation. Make sure that this person knows who should and shouldn’t be around your property. You can also ask a friend or relative to stop by your house occasionally to check on things. You can even ask them to reposition the blinds and lights. In addition, you must also let your local police department know when you are leaving town and when you are returning.

In doing so, the officers can periodically check on your house. Lastly, you must also provide your contact information in case of emergency.

Whether you are only gone for the weekend or for a couple of weeks, it is crucial to ensure the safety and security of your home and valuables. Following these tips will put you at ease and help you enjoy your time away from home.

  • chicagogeek.”Elmer C. Jensen House (1905)”. May 2012. Online Image. Flickr. Sept 16, 2013
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This guest post is written by Kris Bennette who enjoys traveling with her family. She keeps her valuables safe in a self-storage unit while she goes on vacation. She advises her readers to click here if they want to learn more about securing their belongings.