Master Degrees That Are Great For Those That Are Good At Math

There are several fields of study that a numerically gifted prospective student might want to consider. Business-related subjects include quantitative finance, accounting and actuarial science. Engineering and scientific subjects like petroleum engineering and general physics are also interesting and rewarding options for prospective Masters-level students.
This numbers-heavy major focuses on analyzing, pricing and trading various financial instruments. The subject zooms in on the mathematical relationships and patterns gleaned from numeric data within the business and financial universe. Such data includes, but is not limited to
•Patterns in price and volume of traded securities
•Statistics and stochastics
•Asset behavior in various economic conditions
•Constructing hedge and speculative positions via financial derivatives
A Masters of Accountancy Degree has the potential to open doors to mathematically inclined students who know the nuts and bolts of managerial and financial accounting. A well-rounded masters accounting degree can be obtained from many universities. Some prominent programs, like the Stetson University online masters degree in accounting, combine academic rigor with close attention to each student’s strengths and aspirations.
Actuaries specialize in quantitative risk assessment especially with regards to pricing and coverage in the insurance business. Actuaries are heavily involved with determining likely losses from selling health and life insurance as well as insuring property such as homes and vehicles. As with quantitative finance and virtually any field of applied mathematics, advanced calculus and statistics are an integral part of actuarial science. Completion of actuarial programs lead to satisfying careers, as the University of Pennsylvania points out in its Actuarial Science webpage.
Aside from finance and business, MS degrees in technical fields are another ripe field of study for mathematically inclined students. However, prospective students need to have a background in engineering and/or chemistry in addition to raw math skills. Petroleum fluid dynamics and drilling physics are key to understanding petroleum engineering. Many advanced petroleum engineering programs also cover the economics and market environment of petroleum production and refining.
An MS in Physics is a classic go-to for mathematically talented students looking to expand their understanding of the natural world. Classical physics, E&M, quantum and statistical mechanics are important subjects that need to be understood for successful completion of any MS Physics program. Employment with educational institutions and research facilities is common.
Each of these degrees offers concentrations for ambitious students that want to further their understanding and careers in lines of work highly dependent on mathematical acumen.