How to Remove Age Spots with Frankincense Oil

How can you get rid of age spots naturally and easily? Frankincense oil is one of the best solutions you could ever have. Frankincense essential oil has been revered since ancient times as a healer for various conditions, and has been used on the skin for a number of treatments.
Below, I will share to you how to remedy your age spots suing the frankincense essential oil. But as always, you have to do a patch test first, check with your physician and never use frankincense essential oil during pregnancy.
1. You must have the two most important ingredients to remove age spots. First, make sure to get true frankincense essential oil. You don’t want to get just fragrance oil that smells like frankincense that will never remove age spots. Nor do you want a blend, or another body oil such as apricot kernel oil with just a little bit of true frankincense essential oil in it. Watch out for trick words like “pure oils,” and look for “essential oils.” You can usually get 100% frankincense essential oil at a health food store. Second, you must get castor oil and it should organic if possible.
2. Mix. You have to blend the 10 drops of frankincense essential oil with a table spoon of castor oil. Then, store this in a dark airtight container while you’re using it to remove age spots, until it’s gone and you need to mix more.
3. Apply. You can either use it by rubbing or dabbing it on age spots twice a day. If you see or have one or two age spots, you can use Q-tip to dab each spot. If you want to remove age spots that are in many clusters, just rub it on the whole area. Continue until you remove age spots with the solution. You may see the age spots fading in about two weeks, and it may take two months to wholly get rid of the age spots.
4. Always have precautions. Like some other essential oils, frankincense oil is a very strong solution and must be avoided from eyes and other sensitive areas. If you are cautious and don’t want to apply it on your age spots near your eyes, you can just use castor oil because it has a reputation as an agent to remove age spots over a longer period of time as well and is said to not harm the eyes.
While some people have reported they’ve used frankincense essential oil near their eyes with very good results, it is not allowed or highly recommended unless you follow the guidance of a qualified physician or aromatherapy expert.
From Ananda Aromatherapy, wildcrafted, 100% pure Frankincense essential oils. These oils are CO2 distilled, considered by many leading therapists to produce the most therapeutic Frankincense oils. For more information, visit us today.