How to Network Your Printer – It’s Easier Than You Think

Setting up a computer-to-printer network is easy. There’s just nothing to it, honest.
There is no need to have a printer for every desktop and laptop in the house when you can network them all to a single central printer.
And, you’re ready to go forward – as easy as changing your HP ink cartridges.
You can free yourself up to move about the house or office. Networking allows you and family or staff to share files. Sharing printers allows you to select among printers if you have more than one. And, it lets you monitor the printing of others on the network as to quantity and content.
Finally, networking one or more printers lets you direct users to a preferred printer to make the most of your ink cartridges or free up other machines with FAX and copying functions. Sharing printers makes an office – home or business – run smoothly and efficiently.