Fit For A King: 4 Tips For Designing Your Own Man Cave

From sports to playing game consoles to hunting and everything in-between, men need their own place where they can sit back and explore their passions. For years, men have had a small area of the house dedicated for their use, such as the basement for their tools or a small room for their bar. But today, these small spaces are quickly being replaced with rooms which are designed in a sophisticated and practical manner, and this type of room is called the “man cave”.
Designing your very own man cave doesn’t have to be too difficult. Although it might seem like a very challenging and stressful project, designing a man cave usually boils down to choosing the right items and integrating your personality into the room. Here are a few tips to make the man cave your ideal haven.
The first thing you should do is decide the purpose of your man cave. Do you want to have a room that is away from your family? Or will you use the room to entertain family and friends? Or would you want to have a place where you can watch TV, play Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation?
Once you have determined how you would like to use the man cave, you will be able focus your energy and attention towards achieving your goal. In addition, before making any drastic decisions, make sure that your family is also onboard with what you have in mind.
After deciding on the purpose of your man cave, you will need to find the right space. It can be a guest room, a basement, or a space in your garage. The main thing you need to remember is that the space should be a place where you can retreat from any household activities. To successfully transform this place into your own haven, it should be physically separated from the rest of your living space.
Man caves come in various styles, shapes, and sizes. Just because your space doesn’t look anything like the man cave you’ve seen in television or online, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make your space unique and fun. All you need to do is plan ahead. You should pick a theme or set a style for your space. Here are a few options:
Or you can turn your man cave into a cozy space with comfy couches and huge bean bags. You can also mount a large flat screen on the wall and connect it to your favorite game console. For optimum viewing, you can also add blackout blinds to keep sunlight out. With these blinds, you can easily darken the space and turn it into a theater room. With that said, high quality blackout blinds is a must in your man cave. But whatever design you choose, make sure that the man cave reflects your personality and style by adding personal touches through the accents, furniture, and décor of the room.
One of the most important features of a man cave is comfort. You should be able to relax and unwind in this space. As a tip, you should choose spacious, comfortable furniture that allows you to sit back and relax. Avoid using throw pillows because it will only make your cushions look feminine. You can however, invest in cozy rugs and comfortable seating areas. You will also need a mini fridge in your man cave so that you don’t have to go into the kitchen if you need a drink.
When designing your man cave, you need to have fun. Think about what makes a room fun and incorporate it into your design. Take time to consider things you enjoy and love doing. In doing so, you are bound to stay satisfied with your design.
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The author, Kris Bennette, is studying interior design and she is interested in designing spaces for men. She gets some of her design ideas online and she also shops for window accents and decorations at In this article, she offers basic tips for designing a man cave.