Family: Ties Of Love

Family relation is something which is formed as and when we take birth and our family gives us the identity. Family holds us when we have lost all the hopes on life. Family celebrates with us when we are on the winning streak. It’s the family who opens the gate with arms wide spread and embrace us when we have done something wrong. Family is the one who scolds us to improve ourselves and then fulfils our wishes so that we remain happy. Lifelong, we may remain busy on making an individual mark for ourselves, but our first and last identity is definitely our family. Our family defines us. It’s said that blood is thicker than water and that is proved many a time in many situations in our lives. Mother, father, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunties, and cousins forms our family in general. But apart from these relations, there are certain bonds that are formed out of love. Are they part of our family as well?
A family is something which witnesses all your ups and downs and stays with you as an iron strong support. Likewise, there must be a few people in your life who has remained with you when you were away from family to your boarding school or university outside the country. With time these special people also becomes a part of your big family. This is the only reason why our friends come along to prepare for our sister’s or brother’s wedding.
Apart from the blood relations with our family, there are numerous people around you whom you have chosen as your extended family. Be it the naughty boy who used to sit next to you in school or the sweet little girl who unknowingly spread ink on your skirt – they are part of your life and family now and till today your mom or dad thinks or cares about them as much as they do for you.
During festivals, when you are seated to some distant land, you tend to miss the family more. Because, all the happiness and celebration can be grown only around them. Be it a Holi, Diwali, Dusshera, Christmas, New Year, Rakhi or Baisakhi, we just wait to celebrate with our family. But again when you know that you cannot enjoy the home atmosphere, you have to search some substitutes to remain connected with them. Send rakhi to India, Diwali diyas to Paris, Holi gift hampers to Gujarat, or New Year gift package to Mumbai, using the fast online services.
Your family members would be more than happy to receive your love in this huge way. Family is where love is and this love is increased when you know to share your happiness with others.