Donating Sperm From A Moral and Economical Point Of View

The challenging decision of whether or not to donate sperm is also a deeply personal one. It is not a decision to make callously, or with little thought as you will likely be creating life that you may never be a part of. When making your decision you will want to consider many things, both personal and quantifiable. Once you have done this you will be able to make a more informed decision.
This article is not the place where biblical or religious views will be thrust upon you. If you want to delve into that yourself that is fine, but this article is not going to answer those questions for you. For the purposes of morals here, the consideration will be more focused on your fellow man–or woman if you will. For many couples and singles out there sperm donation is the best chance that they have at conceiving and caring for a child. In movies there is almost always a happy ending, everyone finds their soul mate and life goes on. In the real world that is not always the case. Some people are finding themselves approaching an age that they want to have a family while they still can and they have not met the person whom they wish to share that with. Many will turn to sperm donation in order to realize their dream and they have that right. Back in the 1950’s the idea of the nuclear family, a mother, father, kids–maybe even a dog and a white picket fence, were the standard conception of what a family is. Today a family can be a single parent, a same sex couple, a couple who conceived with donated sperm due to infertility issues, or families that have adopted children… essentially the nuclear family has combusted. Many of these children lead a happy life in a loving environment and grow into well adjusted, functioning members of society. Sperm donation is a way to help out someone in need, and to create a family where there may have been little hope of one before.
Although you should not do this for the money, the compensation is worth considering. In return for your generous commitment to the program you will reap some financial rewards. Some reports have said that a donor can receive as much as $200 each week, or so, for their participation. This sum of money is quite substantial if you consider the relatively minimal interference that it imposes on your everyday life. You may only be required at the clinic once each week, although you will likely be required to abstain from sexual conduct while in the program. Further, a program generally runs for around 6 months.
These are things to keep in mind when you are considering donating sperm. If you have further questions contact your local cryobank. For instance those in California can contact the California Cryobank. They will be able to provide you with specific details on the screening process for donors, the legal matters related to donation, and specifics on their program. In short, your decision to donate sperm could change someone’s life and gain you a little extra green in the process.