Discover The Modern City of Berlin

The learning experience for young people needs to be viewed from a three dimensional stand point and study tours that take students out of the comfort of their familiar classroom environment are the perfect way to add another dimension. Travel companies have long been offering wonderful study tours to a whole host of superb destinations with a variety of educational aims. The benefits of study tours have long been acknowledged and alongside increased motivation and commitment to a subject, students are often left feeling more confident in their ability. The classroom is a wonderful place to learn but there is no denying the advantages of putting a subject into context and gaining real life experience of it.
There are study tours to suit all ages and they always include down time away from study to allow students time to immerse themselves in the experience of visiting a different country. Learning about the foods, the culture and the customs is all part of travelling to a foreign place and helps students make the most of their adventure. Travel companies are always happy to tailor-make trips to suit your needs so if there is not an itinerary to suit you, one will be specifically designed.
Germany has a rich history and one that has impacted on the whole of the modern world as we recognise it today. Significant question regarding human rights, extreme fundamentalism and the actions of certain political leaders are constantly being raised when the history is examined. Modern Germany has to face the constant reminders of its turbulent history and there is much opportunity for students to discuss the relevant topics that have shaped today’s country. The Berlin Wall stands as the most sinister reminder of the past while the Cold War bunkers tell tales of unimaginable horror. For students this is a fascinating place to visit and raises poignant questions about many aspects of modern history.
The dark past of Germany has certainly no place in the modern day life of the people that live here. Everywhere you go there is a warm and positive undercurrent and particularly in Berlin, where the reminders of the atrocities are everywhere, people have moved on with optimism. A more accepting outlook has cut a clear pathway for Germany into the twenty-first century and while there is no forgetting the past, the future has been embraced. Berlin’s stadium is a significant example of how old fuses with new and whilst the building has been altered to make it more inviting and modern, it also retains much of its dour and stark origins.
The Brandenburg Gate is yet another example of how political history shaped the city. These gates stood as a barrier between east and west and are the only remaining gates left after the subsequent bombings. On a visit to Berlin students will be able to spend time in the wonderful museums, absorb some of the vibrant local culture, explore the bustling streets and enjoy some of the local gastronomic specialities. The cafes and restaurants buzz and the street vibe is simply hypnotising.
Berlin has undergone huge change in recent years and the relative harmony of the city today is testament to the people’s passion for peace and unification. Students on study tours based in Berlin will have the chance to gain an extremely valuable and very in-depth insight into one of the most famous cities in Europe.