Amazing Swimming Pools

Swimming pools are amazing to have; somewhere to chill out or cool down after a hard day. They provide the perfect addition to any home, hotel or complex. But there are swimming pools and then are swimming pools.We have scoured the world to find the best, most stunning, most downright crazy swimming pools just waiting to be dived into, should you be lucky enough to get there!
Most swimming pools are built to cater the needs of the user. Unsurprisingly, a pool at home will most likely be your standard back-garden-sized swimming pool – unless you’re lucky enough to be wealthy enough to have something huge, but the majority of people have what we would call standard sized pools. There are various sport and aquatic centres across the world which have swimming pools for both fitness and recreational use, which are obviously larger than your standard at-home pool. They tend to have numerous lanes for people to use and can vary in sizes. Most world class sport centres across the world pride themselves on an Olympic sized pool which is around 50 metres in length.
But these pools pale in comparison to the largest pool in the world, located in a private resort in Chile the San Alfonso del Mar is a huge 1 kilometre in length – the pool uses seawater pumped, treated and filtered from the Pacific Ocean and cost in the range of 1.5 to 2 billion dollars to build and over 4 million dollars annually to maintain. The drainage systems employed here are essential in maintaining the working order of the pool. Obviously these are on a much larger scale than the ones used at your home. You can find an excellent range of stylish, affordable drainage solutions for your own pool at leading firms like Aquabocci.
If you are scared of deep water than the Nemo 33 pool in Belgium is not a place for you. This remarkable swimming pool reaches a depth of 33 metres (133 feet) and has multiple underwater caves, passageways and rooms for swimmers and divers to explore. The Nemo 33 is the deepest indoor swimming pool in the world and contains over 2 million litres of water. The Nemo 33 took seven years to build and also hosts a place for underwater filming and a scientific research base.
From the depths of the Nemo 33 to the dizzying heights of the Holy Medical Spring Resort, this resort is located in the Yanbajain, China and is a sensational 4200 metres above sea level. This means that the swimming pools in this resort are the highest swimming pools in the world. The Holy Medical Spring Resort holds three swimming pools in total, two indoor and one outdoor. All pools are filled with water from the hot springs of the famous Yangbajain region.
The swimming pools highlighted are just some of the amazing examples of how swimming pools can be so different and unique. There are many more examples of the amazing scopes of imagination which goes into construction a swimming pool.
There are plenty of family hotels that you can choose from when on a trip to Paris.
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thanks, for swimming pool exaple.
Wow! 1 kilometer in length swimming pool? Now that’s really something! I think one whole day would not be enough if i go swimming in that pool but it looks really fantastic. It really is amazing. What a great idea for a swimming pool. I would be very happy to own a swimming pool as huge and and as long as that.