5 Reasons Canada Is The Best Country For Foreigners

If you are thinking you should move from your native country and settle in a place full of benefits, you should choose Canada. Over the years, there have been immense improvements in the infrastructure and policies of the country, making it ideal place to live for foreigners.
There are quite a few benefits for Canadian nationals, because of which more and more people have been contacting LiveinCanada Toronto to apply for Canadian immigration and other related issues. Toronto immigration lawyers have vast knowledge and expertise to help you settle in the country.
Here are few major benefits of living in Canada.
Employment insurance is a temporary benefit available for Canadian nationals. You can get these benefits if you’re sick or injured, or have family related issues due to which you lost your job. Employment insurance is available for different situations. These are as follows:
You need to learn how to apply online in order to available these benefits.
After becoming Canadian citizen you will have access to Canadian pension plan and other related benefits, such as Old Age Security pension, retirement calculator and planning. If you have low income and you’ve crossed 60 years of age, you may have Old Age Security benefit. Plus, there is allowance for spouses of the people aged between 60 and 64 years from Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Old Age pension is available for the people over 65 years of age who have completed 10 years in Canada.
You should learn about getting family benefits that include:
You may qualify for tax-free payments in order to raise your children under 18 years of age. There is also a Federal Income Support Program for those whose children have been murdered or missed. Government has taken serious measures to reduce child poverty so that the children can be raised with utmost care.
Canadian government has issues HST/GST housing rebate and it offers financial assistance to those whose houses have been damaged. This initiative is to support people who have no income to repair their houses and make them energy-efficient. If you want to maintain your home, you may find government’s support in this regard. There are different programs, including:
Furthermore, you can buy or sell a house with government’s financial assistance as well.
If you’re a student, or you have kids studying in Canadian schools, there are scholarships, funding opportunities and grants for students so that they can continue their studies with limited income.
So, if you were not thinking about immigrating to Canada, you may want to re-think. Perhaps, you could contact Canadian immigration law firm Toronto to find more details.