Why I Became A Personal Trainer!

I’m a personal trainer in Northampton. And I certainly didn’t choose my career for money or fame. I am a personal trainer because my passion is for helping people achieve everything they’re capable of becoming. I’m a firm believer that every single person is capable of doing amazing things if they challenge themselves and put the effort in. It is my job to help and guide them, keep them motivated along the way and make sure the journey is enjoyable! As a personal trainer I have the unique opportunity to work with many different types of people. They all have different goals, lifestyles and medical conditions. But the one thing they all share is that they are interested in becoming a more strong and healthy version of themselves.
My passion for health and fitness started at a young age. My older brothers were both physically active and gifted in sports. I grew up playing a lot of sport – baseball, basketball, football, rugby and ice hockey. I loved football and ice hockey most because of the constant quick pace, coupled with the team spirit and because you could still excel as an individual. I was a striker and centre mid-fielder for a semi-professional football team and I taught children to ice skate and the fundamental rules of ice hockey.
I became interested in health when my grandmother passed away from bone cancer. I remember feeling helpless that this disease was taking away my beloved grandmother and there was literally nothing I could do about it. This led to a thirst for knowledge in disease prevention and preventative nutrition.
I was naturally thin and because I was active in so many sports, I began to experience a lot of injuries in my adolescence. From broken bones, concussions, an ACL repair, a torn labrum, rotator cuff repair, sprains and more muscle strains than you can imagine. I spent so much of my time in physical therapy clinics and with sports trainers, both before and after games, that I realized I had to find a way to strengthen my body. Resistance training seemed like the best solution along with proper nutrition to support it. I began to choose foods that would help me to develop bigger and stronger muscles, give me a healthy immune system and higher energy levels. I soon became so agile and strong that I wanted to test myself and joined the army. My outstanding foundation of health and fitness qualified me for Special Security Forces and Combat Medic Training, both of which I excelled at. When I left the army, I focused on the more preventative side of health and fitness.
I kept up my routines of proper nutrition and working out at the gym. From there I easily transitioned into becoming a personal trainer at a gym and then moved into fitness facility management. I ran the personal training department of a large, nationwide gym chain and then moved into managing the entire facility at multiple locations. But my success had a drawback and I began to really miss working one to one with clients. The decision to move back to personal training was one of the easiest I’ve ever made.
For a while I did consider starting my own gym. I almost rented a commercial property in Peterborough. . . but when I started looking into the costs I began to realise it was probably more hassle than it was worth. I even looked in different regions to see if there was much difference – SEO in Cambridge, air conditioning in Middlesex, office cleaning in London, – but wherever I looked, the costs coupled with the workload seemed to outweigh the benefits for me! As a personal trainer I make my own schedule. In this day and age, especially if you’re married with a family, this is a huge advantage because you can arrange your schedule to fit the needs of your family. Having the freedom to train wherever you want and whenever you want is much better than any 9-5 job, wouldn’t you agree?