Why Do You Need A Career Counsellor To Choose Your Career?

The word ‘career’ is one of the most used words in a student’s life yet it’s also one of those which is widely misunderstood and whose importance is undermined. It’s ironic how students hear the word ‘career’ a million times from the time they put their first step in the high school. Yet, they fail to determine its significance and do not plan ahead about what course they will pursue in their higher studies. Career counselling is the process which helps students in planning ahead.
When it comes to career counselling, it’s often mistaken as an informal advice or a boring lecture. However, the truth is quite contrary. Career counsellors are people who are education experts and who are highly trained in counselling. They are professionals who have complete knowledge of not only the various education courses available but also of psychology and personality assessment. Here is why you need a career counsellor to help you in choosing your career options.
The most important thing you need to know about career counsellors is that they are professionals. They are experienced trainers who have guided many students like you and have helped them in planning for their careers. In short, you are in safe hands.
The second most important thing about career counsellors is that they respect your interests and help you in identifying them. Career counsellors never ignore your interests as they consider a student’s interest an important factor while advising them on their career.
Although career counsellors take your interests into consideration, they also test your aptitude to determine whether it matches your interests. They have various tools to gauge your personality traits and aptitude and their advice also depends on it.
Once they test your abilities and skills and find out your interests, they will advice you on which career you can pursue and what path to take to reach it. They will provide you with customized guidance based on your very own interests, skills and other preferences.
Career counsellors’ advice and guidance is not limited to students, they also share their findings with the teachers and parents. Parents and teachers can depend on their advice because it is based on statistics and other dependable data.
All the top schools across the world have embraced career counselling as an important and invaluable aspect of students’ education. Career counselling has also evolved into a much more professional and deep study. Career counsellors are trained in various subjects like psychology and communication to make them more effective and proficient. They are experts in interacting with students and making them comfortable enough so that they can share their ambitions and aims with them. They also have good knowledge about the admission processes in various colleges, including those which are situated abroad. In simple words, if you take career counselling to plan your career, you are in safe hands.