Virtual Meetings: How To Get The Most Out Of Them

Thanks to the Internet it is already possible to have a global team distributed around the world. Many companies have specific offices and departments in different countries and, despite the time difference, their businesses continue to function as a Swiss watch. And is that thanks to new technologies to communicate at a distance has become the bread of every day.
Every day, hundreds of companies use videoconferencing services to conduct virtual meetings with their work team, no matter where or when. The only requirement for its development is an internet connection. An economical and effective way to group your team and discuss an action plan or track a project avoiding unnecessary transportation costs.
Follow these steps to get the most out of your effective virtual meetings and learn how to manage meetings effectively with your work team.
Learn how to manage meetings effectively with your remote computer with these simple tips.
Schedule the meeting taking into account the participants
Having a remote computer involves managing people and time zones. Before creating an event and sending the invitation to the meeting, check that the time slot in which it is to be performed is suitable for all time zones on your computer and is within working hours.
When you send the invitation, remember to note the time in each of the regions where your template is to avoid misunderstandings.
Use software for video conferencing
When you have a virtual meeting with a customer, keep in mind how comfortable you are with the technology. Even today, many small and medium-sized enterprises have little fluency with computer systems.
If you use ezTalks , you can centralize everything in one tool. This platform gives you easy access to project management and communication with the work team. By keeping everything in one place, it’s much easier to share files, share screens, create new tasks, and schedule meetings. In addition, you can conduct your virtual meetings from any device: mobile, tablet or desktop.
Organize the topics to be discussed during the meeting in advance
That the meeting is in a virtual environment does not mean that it is improvised. In order for your meeting to be fruitful, you must keep in mind the topics you are going to discuss with the rest of the participants.
The best way to have everything under control is to write an agenda with the issues to be discussed with each of the participants and the objectives in case decisions are to be made during the meeting. To make sure everyone is aware of the situation, attach the file to the meeting invitation.
Appoints a person in charge of the meeting
You can be you or another member of the team that participates in the meeting, preferably a Project Manager. The role of the person in charge of the meeting is to record what was agreed at the meeting and to plan the steps to follow after it: assigning new tasks, scheduling meetings online, adding notes or comments to the project report.
As mentioned above, do not forget to record the videoconference to have a copy of the meeting. This is especially useful for members who could not attend or new additions to the template or project they need to catch up. In addition, it is a very effective source of project consultation.
Prepare material for the meeting
As the organizer of the meeting, prepare all documents that must be reviewed before the meeting or presented and commented as a team during the session. Create a folder with all the documents you need and share it with the attendees of the meeting a week before they can review them.
When you should not do a videoconference
This choice depends on each one, but the truth is that videoconferencing works best to deal with specific projects or themes. Whether it’s your first meeting with a client or you’re going to deal with a human resources issue, the best is face-to-face. If the subject is personal, avoid digital. Human warmth is always appreciated when dealing with a sensitive subject.
As you can see, digitizing your meetings is very simple. Introducing these processes in your team management will improve the efficiency and performance of your employees and promote the achievement of remote project objectives.