Traveling With The Kids – The Tips and Tricks

If you are looking forward to the end of August because you are finally going off on your family holiday, you might benefit from a few tips and tricks from our family, which has already gone through the ordeal of traveling there and back again. If you also have more children than adults in your family, like us, you know you have to take extra steps to ensure everything goes smoothly.
You will naturally lose your temper at some point, especially if the kids are still very young, and they get up to all kinds of mischief while you are traveling. Remember that this is all normal, and don’t let it ruin your trip. Keep on smiling and enjoying yourself, because as you know, they grow up so fast, so you need to enjoy every single minute while they are still this young.
Here’s how we survive family vacations:
No matter how confident walkers your kids are normally, this is vacation time. They will be a bit more tired than usual, as they will be doing a lot more walking. Especially if you are going to a resort like Disneyworld, or any resort for that matter! If you will spend most of your time on the beach, then you don’t need it, but if any sort of exploration or sightseeing is involved, do pack one! Your little ones will be happier for it, and you will all be able to enjoy yourself to the fullest.
This also includes the adults. You will not all want to be doing the same things at the same time, so it is important to find an activity for everyone. Allow the kids to choose their own activities, at least insofar as they can, and don’t make them do things you think they should be doing. They can make their own choices, within reason. Make sure you all participate in each other’s chosen activities. This means you two get to choose something fun as well, and the kids don’t get to complain about it.
Do your research well! There are so many options out there, and there are so many websites specializing in finding just the right accommodation, that you really should find something that will suit all of you. Do you need a daycare center for the youngsters, or a pool? Do you want to be in the center of town, or somewhere near the beach? While we were staying in the Canaries, we booked an all inclusive deal, which is also something I recommend looking into. It may seem like a lot at first, but considering the fact that you will not be spending any of your money on food and drinks and entertainment, it might just turn out to be a bargain.
What I mean is – plan for the unexpected. The plane might be late, someone might get sick on the plane, the luggage might get lost, and all of this is quite a bother, but it will not ruin your vacation. You don’t need to take everything you own with you, you don’t need a dozen contingency plans. Just make sure everyone knows where you are going, where to meet if someone gets lost, and have enough chargers to go around.
This can be an amazing opportunity for you to see your vacation through the eyes of your children. Don’t get them an overly expensive camera, you can even buy a disposable one, but arm them with a lens, and see what they capture. You might otherwise never learn that your youngest is capitated by zebras, or that your oldest has a natural eye for photography.
The most important thing to bear in mind is that you are there to have fun, and not stress out about anything and everything. If you are constantly on edge, the kids will pick up on the fact, and they will not be having fun as well. Make sure to delegate, and have everyone pinch in with whatever needs to be done both on the trip itself, and before you head out. Remember that they will soon want to take their own trips, so having the whole family around will not come around that often.