The College Search: The Question Of Choosing Public Or Private

Public or private college – the debate is endless. It can make or break your career and have a long-term impact that spans years. The most impressive area to note on your resume would be your university and grade, as recruiters from multinational organisations seek the best. As choosing the right college sets you up for lifetime’s success, you need to be very careful about how you go about the process.
When deciding where you want to go and what kind of education you seek, you need to ensure that you weigh both sides of the coin equally. If going to a public college means staying away from home, or lack of extra-curricular activities then that might have an impact on your overall grade. Alternatively, if you want to only focus on studies and are someone who performs under pressure then private school may be a better option.
Cost is a significant factor that will prepare your answer. If going to a private school is a priority, as their curriculum is diverse and inclusive, then the costs will have to justify the overall experience. Often, we wave off a certain percentage of the cost as “soft cost”, meaning that it’s a brand’s value. That’s why private schools can charge what they do. However, if you’re not interested in flash, and want to keep your head down and study, then public school may be a better option.
The future professional or entrepreneurial prospects must be incorporated in your ROI calculation as well. For example, if you choose to go down the route of entrepreneurship after graduating from one of the best business schools in India; then it may be a wise decision to go the extra mile to fund your private college education.
Does the university excel in your area of interest? Then you should pursue it regardless of whether it’s a private or a public one. Business schools such as IILM prides itself in having a premier management education as their key area of excellence. IILM prepares you for challenges that you will be facing in the real world after you graduate. That’s where a quality education comes in, and how you can make decisions based on education over private or public. Talk to the students in your preferred college, talk to teachers, visit them before signing up, and look at what they have to offer.
Faculty and Training:
Many public universities have better faculty than private ones, for both postgraduate and undergraduate courses. This could be in part, as public universities may receive government funding for certain research and analysis studies. Since private universities have better on-job training facilities – it might be a good option as well. You need to review the faculty’s educational background and research papers (if published) to be able to determine which university is better for you.