Surveys Show Engineering Graduates Are Unfit For Work

There were couple surveys run by different services that help companies hire worker, and these surveys have shown that more than 80% of engineering graduates are not fit for employment in most Indian companies.
The report done for all the surveys highlights that for previous year the number of engineering graduates that were actually employable is less than 20%. In addition to that, National Association of Software and Services Companies’ (NASSCOM) claims that more than 75% of the IT graduates are not ready for working at the IT companies, and claimed that India’s outsourcing industry has to spend about $1 billion every year to train them to fit in for their future jobs. The Senior Vice President of the NASSCOM, Sangeeta Gupta, said that is not that their computer engineers are not employable at all – they simply lack the skills that are needed for the jobs available for them, meaning they don’t have the industry-ready talent. And the same is with mechanical engineers – if you are interested you can look through the list of mechanical engineering jobs in Bangalore at the link: After that try talking to people working at the same positions and find out what is required for the job – this will help you get the skills so that you stand out of the crowd of other candidates that may apply for the same positions.
Continuing with analyzing the reviews of the surveys, it is obvious that most graduates, besides from the mentioned above, are unfit in terms of communication skills and self-presentation, problem-solving capacities and generic capabilities. It is quite shocking though, but about a half of engineering graduates falls short for the mark in grammar and language.
Other interesting findings have been provided by the Industry Readiness Index survey made by Purple Leap. It shows that graduates from Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 engineering colleges in India are not quite ready to work within the chosen industry even after passing an interventional training.
One of the CEOs in Purple Leap claimed that most graduates show the excellent theoretical knowledge, but when it comes to practical problem-solving, they lack even the most basic analytical skills. Moreover, according to his observations when interviewing couple thousands of candidates during couple years, most graduates have struggles communicating in their mother tongue, if not speaking about foreign languages, and it is not really about the language itself.
Prof Ramamoorthy Iyer, who was a visiting faculty member for the mechanical engineering in Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad once said that most of his students will easily tell in details what technology is involved in manufacturing an automobile, but if you ask them to design an automobile by themselves, only handful of them would be ready to do that. This supports the data received from the surveys telling that graduates lack practical skills for the jobs. Moreover, he claims that students that don’t take up internships while studying, have big troubles with placements after graduation, as institutes don’t really want to do anything about training of their students. There is no value addition in such education, and you will have to do something about it yourself, otherwise you will have very little chances of succeeding in your job search.
To change the situation for better there is a plan of implementing a specialized training into the engineering faculties. After the main gaps have been identified, experts foresee the needed of improvement for the courses that already exist.