Stress and Tension in Afghanistan

After an anxious dinner in Kabul that stressed associations between the two governments, White House threatened to take all US troops out of Afghanistan though unable to convince Hamid Karzai to sign the contracted agreement on the left behind military presence.
The Afghan president is wanting to delay the sign by next year but this could eventually harm the idea of keeping security in the country after a large group of us army is taken out of Afghanistan.
There was a clear clash in argument with the officials in Afghan regarding the Taliban suspects in Guantanamo Bay. The meeting was a calm meeting until the end that triggered after certain comments passed by the ambassador that changed the meeting.
Cunningham, Faizi told Karzai about the peace process and that it was not the duty of the US, and the discharge of prisoners was discussed in the earlier deal.
US officials were annoyed karzai’s sudden decision of not signing the agreement though the process of ratification was completed by tribals over the weekend. Lindsey graham the republican Senator was firm in saying that karzai is testing the patience of America.
The white house does not want any troop to be in Afghanistan though the Pentagon does intent to keep troops there as it is afraid that the Taliban could regain its forces.
Such situations have happened earlier in Iraq but it hardly had any effect on the political career of Obama. United States of America wants to cut down on the troops in Afghanistan. Karzai has said that ‘Zero- option’ is not possible. Incase US fails to make a deal by 2014 they wont have any more performances to strike with Pakistan.
Very close advisers were also shocked when they got to know that karzai is planning to delay the signing of the agreement.
A few jirga members have suggested that Karzai sign the agreement latest by the year end, as asked by US but it has demanded a list from another US base and has asked to release the prisoners of Guantanamo.
Spokesman of karzai alleged that the president has made clear that the US diplomats cannot declare the loya jirga’s have forced them to make this agreement into law. This was made very clear over dinner.
US government and Karzai have a long past tension among them with problems that started early as 2009 elections that got karzai back to power but he has spread a lot of corruption.
Though it has been made very clear that US wants the signature by this year end and the delay by karzai in purely intentional as when the next government comes he requires power.