Refine Your Kid’s Internet Usage With Kidgy

Internet has set its roots deep into all of our lives now and its involvement has brought both good and bad things into our lives. Yes, I agree it opened the door to a world of knowledge that cannot be gathered by any other means but it does have a bad side too. Illegal and inappropriate content are also present in the web and they can easily hamper your system and more importantly, your kids. You may be mature enough to avoid such websites but your kids are in an age of exploration. Their inquisitive nature might land them in trouble if they have unrestricted internet usage.
Kidgy: An amazing app that keeps your kids safe
Kidgy app can prove to be a ‘maseeha’ for you guys…it is a kid monitoring app that has got tons of features. Some of its best features that has helped working parents like me in keeping an eye out for my kids:
Kidgy Internet filter
Using internet filter, you can make sure your kid is not lurking into the dark side of the web and is not looking at adult content which is quite common in kids growing into teenage. Blocking internet during school hours will help them remain concentrated on their classes. No internet usage in sleeping hours leads to a more satisfying sleep. Cyber threats can also be avoided by blocking certain websites which not only pose threat to your kid but also to your mobile.