How To Integrate Step Families Through Relationship Therapy

Step family situations are increasing common as couples choose to move forward with a second attempt towards a successful and long lasting relationship. For some children, the results of the life change of having a role model parent in their home that is not their biological mother or father presents challenges. They may feel sad, angry, hurt and resentful towards both parent and step parent. If these feeling are not addressed, the situation will not likely improve on it own. Seeking the assistance of a London base relationship therapy councillor may be the answer to working towards a harmonious and supportive family environment.
You may begin to observe a pattern of negativity that comes through in the communication within the family. Lack of respect, lack of control and decreased communication are all common indicators that the integration of the new step family environment is not progressing in the right direction. Often children that are struggling to adapt to the new step family situation will perform poorly in school, and may exhibit uncharacteristic social behaviours. These are all signs pointing in the direction of the need for intervention through a relationship councillor.
Through the consultation process, relationship therapists can guide parents, step parents and children towards seeing the strengths in each member of the family. They can identify areas that need to be addressed to promote a more supportive, nurturing and loving environment. Establishing the respect and communication needed to progress towards a happier home life can be achieved through setting small goals, and by having an increased understanding each others feeling. Having the unbiased, professional services of a relationship therapist can go a long way towards having more honest and caring relationships within our home. They can promote a sense of ‘team’ to the family unit, instead of each person for themselves. This ‘team’ effect can have positive results both within the home and outside the home at school and with social interactions.
Young children quite often have the most difficulty adapting to a new step parent. They may not be able to express how they feel, but it can be apparent that they need assistance accepting the new situation. Relationship therapy professionals can assist young children through therapeutic games, art, toys and stories to express their feeling and learn to understand and grow into the relationship with a new step parent.
Having an emotionally healthy home environment is critical for the happiness of all family members. Particularly for children, the relationships they have in their childhood within the family will create a learned pattern of behaviour for their future relationships. By seeking out the trusted services of a London relationship therapy professional if your family is facing challenges integrating as a step family, it may be the necessary choice to turn things around. If you want to address challenging attitudes, unhealthy emotions and communication hurdles, speaking with a relationship therapist as a family unit may reunite and repair strained relationships.