Essential Tips For A Greener Lawn

To have a healthy, resistant and green lawn, you need to properly maintain it. Only a nice green lawn will give you that pleasant feeling in your garden. Regularly mowing the lawn and watering properly together with sufficiently nutritious soil will make your lawn enough resistant to diseases and pressure when walking on it.
The basic lawn care consists of proper mowing, watering and fertilizing. There are many kinds and types of lawn mowers on the market and which choosing the right one for you depends on many factors. It is important that the mower is easy to operate, convenient in capacity for big enough for your lawn.
If you use a grass trimmer, it is recommended that you wear goggles, gloves and sturdy lace-up shoes. Before you start mowing, check the lawn and pickup sticks, branches and stones in order to save your mower from damaging.
Shortly after mowing the lawn, the grass will become thicker, because mowing encourages it to grow. It is never good to mow the grass too low because grass will not be able to restore new grow and it will be much rarer. It is recommended to mow the lawn regularly and at the same height.
Home lawns can be mowed every 7-10 days. The height to which you should mow the grass is up to 5 cm. During the annual heat, it is recommended to mow lawns less frequently. You should mow a dry lawn, even though mowers can even be used during wet days, but traces of grass will remain on soft ground, and you don’t want that if you want to have a nice lawn.
Supplemental feeding cannot be omitted. Due to frequent mowing, photosynthesis is reduced, and fertilizing compensates for the lack of it.
Grass requires essential nutrients to stay healthy. The main ingredients of fertilizer that we use are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The mixture of these three main element is usually expressed as a percentage (e.g. NPK 25-5-12), which means that the distribution of these elements is 25% nitrogen, 5% of phosphorus and 12% potassium.
It is very important that the application of nutrition is adequate for growth and maintenance demands of grass throughout the season. For example, high levels of nitrogen (which is absorbed faster than others) will be used in the spring to improve growth. On the other hand during the autumn you should increase the usage of the phosphorus for enhanced root growth and potassium for rigidity/resistance to diseases. Also beware of excessive fertilizing – too often used and excessive amounts can lead to different problems.
You should start with watering your lawn before the soil is totally dry. Lawns should be watered with dispersed, tiny droplets and the most convenient way to get that is by installing a sprinkler system. There are different sprayers on the market. Which one to choose? It is important to choose the sprinkler that is adequate for the size of your lawn. Most lawns should be watered whenever the soil is dry no matter the season. If the drought continues and during the autumn, lawn needs to be watered once or twice a week. The most appropriate time of day to water the lawn is early in the morning or late in the evening. If you don’t have a mower with a basket for swath, pick it up with a rake. Do not leave the mowed grass on the lawn, because it can be the basis for the development of pathogens. Aside from mowed grass, you should also pick up dead leaves from your lawn regularly.
Nice and a good quality lawns need to be properly groomed. Dedicate a little bit of time and effort into it and you’ll surely reap the rewards.