Contentmart – Getting Quality Content Just Got Easier

As a content manager looking for freelance writers, you have always had trouble finding the right person to get your job done. Conversely, as a freelance writer, you had to search various sites and online platforms to find suitable work. What if there is a common platform that can be used by both? Yes, there are many such platforms, which have been around for long. However, anyone who has tried them would agree that they did not make lives easier.
It is in such a scenario that the content writers and content managers came to know of a new platform called Contentmart. Although it sounds like one among the same old online platform, those who have checked it out came up with an entirely different view. Yes, this platform is different from the others.
In simple terms, Contentmart is an online market where you can buy and sell content. Just like the farmers go to a farmer’s market with their produce and customers buy the goods from them, the content writers go to Contentmart and bid for the jobs posted there. If both the parties agree on the price and timelines, the deal is sealed. As soon as the product is delivered and approved, the writer can collect his payment.
For one, it is a one-stop shop for content needs. Contentmart is a common platform where the writer and the client can meet. The formalities involved are very easy. Those who need content register as a client. Those who provide content have to register as a writer. The writer is required to pass certain tests to prove his knowledge in English and once he clears at least one level of the test, he can start bidding. The writer can bid for the offers posted by the client either for the same price or at a price higher or lower than what is offered. Likewise, the client can award the project for any price he thinks is reasonable. Everything is simple and easy to understand.
Once the parties register themselves according to their respective roles, the client can publish his offer and the writer can accept it. Once the writer accepts the offer, he is required to deliver the product within the agreed timelines. If the client is not happy with the work submitted, he can ask for a revision. Once the client approves the work, the writer gets paid.
Conducting business through Contentmart is beneficial for both parties. The writer can be assured of payment, as the client has to deposit the required amount beforehand with Contentmart. Therefore, there is no risk of doing a job and not being paid for it. The client benefits from timely completion of the order as he can refuse to pay the writer if an order is not completed within agreed timelines. Furthermore, he automatically gets lots of choice in one place and can select the best possible choice without incurring any extra expenses.