Can Recycling Be Fun?

As more and more of us have started to recognise the importance of recycling and are living a more environmentally friendly, or ‘green’, lifestyle, recycling has largely become a way of life. It’s just something we do now, something we participate in without really giving it a second thought. But if we’re committed to changing the environment for future generations, it’s vital that our kids stay interested in doing their part. Art and craft ideas are a great way to encourage your kids to recycle and to teach them about the importance of recycling! Here are a few craft ideas that use recycled material.
Rather than buying new toys in the store, or new materials for your kids to practice their drawing and writing skills with, why not create new toys at home using old food and drinks containers, for example? Here are some great ideas you may want to try out:
When the holidays are upon you, why not turn your old milk bottles into scary ghosts for Halloween (complete with a small torch inside for an eerie glow) as a fun alternative to a pumpkin? Or how about making milk bottle snowmen for Christmas, rather than buying new decorations? And don’t throw out those milk bottle lids, either! The opportunities with these small pieces of plastic are endless! Add a little matchstick sail and set your new boat off on its maiden voyage across the kitchen basin, or create tiny dinner place for dolls and toys!
Rather than buying new writing paper or drawing paper when your kids want to do crafts, use old newspapers or magazines from your home. The beauty of this is that each piece will include a different design or theme, making it a great choice for creating collages or quirky clothing for dolls and toys. Even today, we’re throwing out the equivalent of nearly 27,000 football pitches worth of paper across America. Why? Take that paper and turn it into something fun, or something meaningful! Wondering what to get a friend for their birthday? Create bookmarks with your kids using old magazines and newspapers glued to a strip of cardboard for truly unique designs.
These are just a few ideas to help get you started, but why not come up with your own ideas to inspire your kids, and show them that recycling isn’t just about disposal, it’s about taking something old and reinventing it – making it into something new and exciting. Don’t forget – every little bit you do for the environment will make a difference, no matter how small.