
I opened an online business about a year ago custom painting shirts for children’s birthdays and holidays. I posted information about my products along with pictures of things I had made in the past everywhere I could think of. I designed elaborate ads and did the same thing. I had a Facebook account, a YouTube account, an Instagram account, and more. Any place I could think of to advertise, I did. However, I just could not generate any interest in my business. Of course, I was able to get a few Facebook likes, but not enough to really matter. It was the same way with Instagram. YouTube was honestly getting me nowhere.
I knew that my business could succeed, but only if I could get more exposure. There are plenty of parents who love hand painted shirts for their kids, especially for holidays and birthdays. I just didn’t know where to find them. Playing around on the internet, I found I’m not going to lie; I was skeptical. How was paying my hard earned money to get Facebook followers, YouTube viewers, and more going to help my business? After thinking about it for a few days, I decided to try it. It couldn’t hurt.
So, what happened? It was amazing! I paid for 1,000 Facebook likes. I got them and more! All the sudden, my business Facebook page was getting likes from all over the country. Within the next couple of days, I started getting orders. Orders that were not from family members who felt sorry for me! After months of sitting around, I was actually busy and I loved it! I was making money. People were telling me how much they loved my shirts.
What did I do? I went back to and bought more, only this time I opted for Instagram followers and Twitter retweets. The results were even better than before! I have gone from social media doing absolutely nothing for me to social media making me a success.
I cannot thank the staff at enough so I decided to write this review. I have no doubt that I would have given up by now if I hadn’t stumbled across this site. Thank you so much!