Buying Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketones have been around for a long time as a food flavouring but research conducted Japan in 2004 suggested that it also has great benefit as a diet supplement. More recently, the compound has been endorsed by a number of celebrities and has become one of the fastest growing products from within the health food supplement industry.
There are many suppliers of raspberry ketones both on and off line but not all of them are the same. While it might be tempting to just go for the cheapest one, this may be a false economy as many manufacturers are making sub-standard products hoping to cash in on the new found success of the treatment.
Before buying, there are a number of steps that you can take to ensure you are getting a product that will be the real deal. In case that you need more info, you can check out the site pure raspberry ketone.
1. Check where the product is made – If the raspberry ketone supplement is made in China, it is best to avoid it as there have been numerous reports of dangerous chemicals being added to the compound there. Instead, buy a product that was made in the USA or an EU country that is subject to more stringent testing.
2. Check the credentials of the manufacturer – It is not just in China that unscrupulous businessmen sell products that are at best sub-standard and at worst downright dangerous. Make sure the company you buy from has approval from a governing body such as the FDA or GMP.
These supplements may cost a little extra, but that is a small price to pay to know that they have been tested for quality and effectiveness.
3. Avoid ‘free trial’ offers – These are often scams designed to get you to sign up and are usually difficult to get out of. They usually offer sub-standard products with very low levels of raspberry ketone contained in each pill.
4. Check for additives – While raspberry ketone is safe and produces no side effects, some companies add other ingredients such as acai fruit, green tea and African mango. These types of extras should not cause any concern unless you have allergies to them, but some companies also add other substances such as caffeine or Ephedrine that can be addictive and have other side effects such as causing insomnia or making you jittery.
5. Beware exaggerated claims – If claims are exaggerated then you are dealing with a dishonest company so you should probably look elsewhere for your raspberry ketone. As a general guide, if a company claims you will lose more than 30 lbs. per bottle, they are exaggerating and while it is possible to lose up to 7 lbs. in the first week, success this fast is certainly not guaranteed.
6. Don’t just opt for the cheapest version – You can purchase a bottle of raspberry ketone for anything from $25 – $80 depending on quantity and who the manufacturer is. However for a brand that actually works you should be prepared to pay somewhere in the region of $45+ per bottle, any cheaper and you are probably throwing your money away.
Alex is a a practicing physician and personal trainer. He has published articles related to raspberry ketones and acai berries severl times in the past on various health and beauty blogs.