Benefits Of Hot Stone Therapy

Given the hustle-bustle of daily life, the rush for work, meeting the deadlines, getting children to school, managing a home and meeting the hundred other challenges that our fast-paced modern life throws at us, it is no wonder that most adults today suffer from stress, hypertension and aching muscles and joints. What’s worse, taking frequent breaks and resting is not an option and one has to look for ways of rejuvenating the body that does not take up too much of one’s time and still washes away the rigors of daily life.
One such method that’s fast gaining popularity is hot stone therapy. Mostly used in combination with other massage techniques, hot stone therapy has its origin traced back to ancient times when it was used by the Chinese, Hawaiians and Native Americansin some form or other. The therapy uses smooth stones, generally basalt or cool marble stones, on energy points of the body along with essential oils. Some therapists also use alternating hot and cold stones for the massage; while the first one relaxes and soothes the nervous system, the other helps in waking t up again gently.
Hot stone therapy is a perfectly safe and effective massage therapy as long as it is performed by an expert masseur or at a spa. Once you are at the spa, enjoy your hot stone therapy in Salt Lake Cityas its biggest benefit is its feel good factor. After all, everyone wants to be pampered and feel cared for every once in a while!