We’ve all been there (or at least most of us have been there) – having to use professional cleaning services for one reason or another. Maybe you were too busy working during the weekend because the deadline of the new project at work approaches; maybe you had to move out of a rented apartment and wanted to leave in a perfect condition before leaving; or maybe, just maybe, you were lazy, and just like me said to yourself, “Meh, why not?” Whatever the case, in the fast-paced lives we live in the 21st century, it’s completely natural that sometimes we need third parties to take care of some of your most basic affairs like cooking or cleaning, but it does happen.

professional cleaning

And just like getting food delivered has gotten much more affordable, the cleaning prices have dropped significantly enough in the last few years, enabling most of us to employ those wonderful people at the cleaning companies who can take care of this boring and tedious exercise in futility instead of us. Personally, I would rather pay up than waste my time with cleaning, but I’m just lazy. Anyway, there is a point to this article, and here it is – not all cleaning companies are equal.

Even though all of them say they are the best and that they will make every wish come true, that’s not the case and you have to learn how to tell the good  from the bad (and possibly the ugly). Worry not, however, since I’m here to tell you what you can ask in order to make this much clearer. Here are a few questions you should ask before booking a service.

Do you guarantee the quality of your services in writing?

The good companies will always guarantee the quality of their services and will make sure every last of their clients are satisfied. Don’t let this economy fool you – many people are using professional cleaning services and there is a big competition going on. Use that to your advantage, as a customer, to get the best bang for your buck. If the service is guaranteed in writing, the cleaning lot won’t be able to take shortcuts when cleaning and, for example, leave that nasty stain on your carpet, which was actually the sole reason your booked their carpet cleaning services in the first place. A written contract can’t be broken, neither by you, nor them and this is the official way to handle this sort of business.

Can I get a free estimate on a job?

Serious cleaning companies will in most cases be able to offer you a free estimate on any job but a few. There are always unclear conditions and unforeseen consequences, but for the most part they are able to deliver estimates and tell you exactly what you want to know because they have already done the same job a thousand times over. It’s paramount that they offer this services because if they don’t, they might not really know what they’re doing. Keep this in mind the next time you’re poking around a cleaning company’s website.

Do you have an insurance policy?

It’s essential that you know this before booking a service. Any self-respecting company will offer a coherent insurance policy in case something happens. They should able to cover eventual damages the cleaners inflict (like I said, there are sometimes unforeseen consequences and even though this sort of thing happens rarely, it still happens). If they have an insurance policy, they will cover the damages.

Ask these questions and do a little bit of additional research and you should be well on your way to finding the most suitable cleaning company for you.

Connie Jameson works in professional cleaning company, performing move out cleaning in London. She has years of experience and likes to share it with her readers.