As parents/guardians you want your child to stay ahead of the game through the summer. One excellent way to keep your child up to speed through summer is by creating a summer reading program. But where to start? Follow these easy tips to get you and your child on your way to a fun and educational summer.

Summer Reading Program - Tools For Your Child's Success

Involve Your Child

Your child will be more motivated to participate in a summer reading challenge, if they are involved in creating the challenge. Work together and talk about why reading is important, and how much fun you can have with a good book. Let your child choose their own books to read either from a list, or go to the library and help your child choose their own book.

Interact With Them

Children are more likely to read if they see their parents/guardians reading. So, complete a summer reading challenge with your child. It may be fun to read the same books as your child so you both have someone to talk with about the books when you’re both finished.

Start With an Eye Exam

Sometimes children struggle with reading because they need glasses. Start off your summer reading challenge with an eye exam. Professionals, like those at Identity Optical, know that glasses may not only help children read better, but can also improve the overall quality of life for a child. They will read better, perform better in school, and have more confidence if they can see the world properly.

Set Clear Goals and Appropriate Rewards

As you create your summer reading challenge, help your child create clear, achievable goals, and agree to rewards for meeting those goals. Break those goals down into smaller goals with small rewards for meeting those smaller goals. Then, have a larger reward for achieving the overall large goal. This will help children be motivated along the way. This method also boosts confidence and encourages even more reading.

In the end, the main goal of a summer reading challenge is to get children to have fun, and be more confident in reading. If your children are confident in reading, they will be more likely to develop a love of reading and learning; which can lead to a lifetime of success in school and work. So, work with your child to make and meet reading goals to keep their minds sharp, and help your child learn to love books.