5 Best Ways To Access Instagram On a PC

There are many people who know about the instagram, but they are only familiar with it in smart phone. But now the question that arises at their mind is that what will be happen if we try it on computer. Yes it is possible now with the help of the modern computer. With the advancements in the world of the computer you can run any kind of app you want on any device.
But for that the app also need to contain some features. An app that does not have multi platform compatibility is doomed to fail. But no need to worry if your app does not contains this unique feature. For that type of app, there is a list of the best ways to access the Instagram on a pc.
Basically Blue Stacks is an Android Emulator Software which is generally helps you to run any app or game on a Mac or any windows computer. Actually it is a bridge app that helps you to use games or apps on your computer through bypassing its software. So you will be able to actually upload photos to the app in this specific solution. For the best result you need to maintain the following steps:
At first you need to go the web page of Blue Stacks and download the desire software on your computer.
After the downloading procedure, locate the instagram.apk and click on it to install the app on your Blue Stacks.
After the competition of the installation process open up the app through BlueStacks and need to enter your user credentials. If everything will be maintained properly then you can start using Blue Stacks to upload photos to it from your computer as if it was a Smartphone.
There is another app that is well known as Instagrille, also is a solution which allows you to access the desire app on your computer. Basically it is known as PIXSTA. It is a desktop app that was designed especially for the people who have the only purpose of letting you use the app on your computer. As same as the before you also need to maintain the same step to use it.
It is a web based solution which allows you to run the app through the web app on your computer. As it is a web based solution you can use it where ever you want to use it. And the best is that it works just fine. And among the other option it is the best and fastest one yet. For this, no need to download the app. Just go for the web page and login with credentials and after login you will be allowed to use this app on the web.
WEBBYGRAM is as same as WEBSTAGRAM. It is also a web solution. It enables you to access the app on your computer. The basic difference between the web and manual solution is that you cannot upload photos while using the web you just able to browse or comment on the existing photos.
Generally it is a photo up loader which enables you to upload photos located in your own computer directly to the app.
About Author: Alice is a Technology writer who is keen on any new emerging technology updates. She is working as a Technical Support Engineer and has been offering online tech support to global customers for issues related to laptops, desktops, Mac and devices including iPods, tablets, iPhones, instagram software and more.