Over the years hot tubs have been getting a lot more publicity, particularly when it comes to treating health problems. We’ve all heard how they can lower blood pressure, treat type 2 diabetes and reduce heart problems, but just how does this work?

In the case of high blood pressure this is due to the warm water dilating the blood vessels, which in turn will increase the flow of blood around the body whilst reducing the pressure. Lower blood pressure means less risk from further conditions such as heart attack or stroke which can only be a good thing.

There was a study done back in 1999 by the New England Medical Journal who discovered that type 2 diabetes sufferers using a hot tub nearly every day for a given time saw some fantastic results, which meant that after only 10 days on the trial, they were able to reduce their medication. They also experienced some weight loss which in the case of diabetes is a good thing as well as an improved sleep pattern and a general feeling of well being.

Using a hot tub is good for your heart. That has been the findings of one study which discovered that during a hot tub session the heart rate increases as it would during exercise but the blood pressure doesn’t. This means that the benefits are as good as exercising but without any strain on the heart.

Back pain is another problem that can benefit from the use of a hot tub, particularly problems of the lower back. Massage jets which can be positioned to treat a certain area can bring about a reduction in pain whilst the warm water helps you to relax, therefore lessening any pain and tension felt in that area.