What Web Designers Should Do After Being Rejected by a Potential Client?

Many web developers are fully confident of the skill, expertise and experience. However, they should be prepared of the rejection. They need to deliver better design and better price, but this doesn’t guarantee a complete success. When trying to find new consumers, the whole experience can be a hit and miss. Any businessperson will eventually get rejected, especially when there are competitors who could provide lower prices. Despite being rejected, web developers/designers could still leave a lasting impression. They should know how they can improve themselves and stay stand out in the next competition.
It is a bad idea for web designers and developers to burn the bridge and think that they will not communicate with the person who rejected them. In fact, many freelancers are able to make money by re-connecting with people who once chose the competition, instead of them. After being rejected, web designers should simply say the simple “Thank You”. We should say that we are glad that we have been given the opportunity to participate in the competition. This simple act will put us above the rest of the rejected competitors. When we re-join future competitions, the client will likely have a good impression on us.
The next thing to do is to ask why we have been rejected. This will show to the client that we want to improve ourselves and we seek to find our flaws. Sometimes, these flaws can’t be helped, but most of the time, we should be able to improve on many things. There’s absolutely no harm in asking clients about this. They should be happy to oblige with our request. Web designers, like many business professionals, should learn to embrace failure. In fact the road to great success is paved with a series of failures. Only successful businesspeople are able to survive a string of failures and learn from them.
Clients will spot our unprofessional thoughts and we shouldn’t burn the bridges by acting improperly. They know when we can’t accept the rejection well. Web designers should learn to take the nasty hit on the stomach and tell the client that they appreciate the opportunity. If we don’t know how to take the rejection, we will be hurt in the long run. We should know that a rejection in business competition isn’t really a personal assault, so we shouldn’t think like that. We should strive to become a better business individual and learn from our failures. We need to be genuine about our rejection.
Clients can easily identify fakers and it is a bad idea to act inappropriately. After being rejected, we should add an item in the list of our personal business flaws. Based on the short interview with the client, we should know things that we need to improve. As an example, competitors may be able to add more offers with the same price range or we may lack experience in performing more complicated tasks. These improvements will help us in the future.