What Nobody Told You About The Challenges Of Medical Career?

A student has to go through a considerable amount of struggle to get into the medical career. The AIPMT 2016 is coming and this year too lots of students will be appearing for the exam. Students struggle enough for the AIPMT and in the medical colleges after that. Many get success and become successful doctors. The job in the medical field is highly respectable. A medical practitioner is highly respected in the society and the job is highly challenging. However, there are some aspects of this career are unknown to many.
In a job in the medical career you have to forget about the having rest in the weekend. People of other field’s gets weekend and at that, people can rest and have fun time with their family. However, as a doctor these simple pleasures of life will be very limited to you. After passing the college as you start your career you will be tired of the endless calls and the extra duty on weekends. Anytime emergency may strike and a patient may need your specialization.
In the medical career, you can get a call of duty anytime. A patient might need your specialization anytime, even at three in the morning. Often doctors have to do night shifts for many days continuously. This often seems like worst case for doctors and medical practitioner. Missing the sleep may often make your brain tired. A tired brain is bound to make mistakes. However, in the medical profession one can never afford a mistake. So keeping the brain working in the best form throughout the night is exhausting.
These are the reason for which doctors can never afford mistake –
As a doctor, it is your job to heal everyone in the same way. You cannot commit to any function or family gathering. As a doctor, it is the responsibility to give priority to the job more than family or friends. As for example, a doctor or a medical practitioner cannot commit to go on a party. There can be chances that their will a patient who might need the doctor at that time. In addition, a responsible doctor can never leave a patient and go to a party.
A job in the medical profession can be highly transferrable. You cannot choose the location which is preferable of give you luxuries of life but you have to select a location where you are there is high requirement of your specialization. In case if you are, working for a hospital then the hospital is liable to transfer you to various locations for various projects. So being a doctor, you cannot think of staying in a single place for long.
Being a doctor you will not be able to get enough time for your creativity. It is not only liable for doctors but even students who are following the aipmt syllabus for getting good score when the aipmt result will be declared have sacrificed their hobbies.