A CIBIL is a bureau where you know the position of own credit score. The lenders can check this report before giving you a loan or credit card approval. That’s why you have to check within a year or in six months. Your credit points can explain your spending and product utilization habits.

They can divide a range from 300 to 900. If your point is 300, then you are in reject list. 450 to 500 number is better than first one, but the bank cannot give your approval. 550 to 600 indicates you have a chances to get financial support before that, recover your points through on-time payment. 650 to 700 is satisfactory points, and few banks can give you benefits. 750 to 800 you are on right track about product utilization. 850 to 900 is the excellent CIBIL score it shows your responsible behavior for payment, repayment, and payback.

You can check own report through PAN ID or official website. According to the official site, visit the page and fill personal and professional information. They can also ask product related questions such as dues, penalty or other things. If you can check by PAN, then put your name as per PAN, date of birth, gender, personal-professional details, registered email ID and mobile number. Before, you can accept terms and conditions answer few questions regarding your product. For both procedures you have to share correct information otherwise they can reject your request.

How Can You Maintain CIBIL Score

You can improve your credit score through follow few things such as on-time payment, repayment, utilization, and monitoring. These are the main points which you need to keep in mind when trying to get financial support from the lenders.

When you are using your credit card for various thing like online-offline shopping, buy big budget products and payback later and rest facilities they can provide you. If you want to continue these services, you have to pay all bills on-time or before bill date. It’s a good exercise for you to make up yourself in CIBIL score list.

The bank can provide you unlimited service it’s up to you how can you utilize your product. The less you can use the more bank can give you rewards. If you can use a card for every product, it can also damage your points.  The bank can notice every swipe report of yours, that’s why you should use within a limit.

If you can monitor own CIBIL score by the website, then it’s a good habit of yours. The RBI also declared within a year or in six months can check the report, so that know where you can stand and if you can see the issue so how can improve it. Before the bank and bureau can find out your error, you can check and start improving it because your one mistake can put you in defaulter list for next seven years that’s why keep watching own activity.