VRT: What It Is and Why It Is Important

Have you ever experienced a sensation where you feel as if you’re going to fall even if you’re standing on an even ground? Do you often lose your balance while walking? If the answer to both the questions is yes, then you should definitely consider VRT. Doesn’t sound familiar, does it? That’s because VRT or vestibular rehabilitation therapy is a fairly recent development in the world of healthcare. Also known as balance rehabilitation, it is a great option for patients who suffer from imbalance and dizziness. If you are in Florida, consider visiting a Trinity health care center near you. Backed by millions of dollars in grants, the Sunshine State is poised to be the next big thing in the US health care segment.
There are three clear indications of the need for VRT:
The long-term goals of VRT include:
A VRT specialist will devise a suitable plan of treatment for you after a thorough neurological assessment. This tends to vary considerably depending on the diagnosis and the symptoms.
VRT is an exercise based treatment approach that works wonders on disorders affecting the inner ear. In most clinics and health care centers, VRT is administered to the patients by knowledgeable and experienced clinicians with a special interest in dizziness and balance. Some of the most common advantages of VRT include:
Therapists who are responsible for delivering VRT will first assess the symptoms in a comprehensive manner and then recommend specific exercises. However, the patients must follow the exercise routine regularly and for an extended course of time until all the symptoms go away.
The therapy generally includes several VRT exercises veered towards treating specific condition. For example, gaze stabilization exercises help enhance vision and the capacity to focus on a stationary object while the head keeps moving. The patient must practice these exercises several times in one day. It is possible that some exercises might make the symptoms worse in the short-term by increasing the feelings of nausea and dizziness. If this occurs, pause and rest while the symptoms decrease before continuing. In the long run, such exercises decrease the retinal slip in the eyes, improving vestibule-ocular response. Some therapists also teach patients postural substitution training exercises which enhance standing balance and involve standing on uneven surfaces with or without the eyes open.
VRT is an unconventional treatment approach but what makes it unique is that it focuses on treating the root of the problem without the need for medicines. If you are vacationing in Florida, use the opportunity to visit a Trinity health care center and explore the possibility of a VRT. The treatment works under most circumstances and patients can soon go back to their normal routines.