Travel Advice For First Timers

No matter where you’re going and who you’re going with, if you’ve decided to get some travel under your belt then there’s no other experience that can compete. South East Asia, South America or Down Under in Australia, you name it and you’ll find chances to learn and have fun in every pocket on the planet.
However, as with doing anything for the first time, there are plenty of tips and words of advice that you should most definitely heed before the off and if you’ve never been away from home for an extended period of time before then read on as research is the key to success.
No matter where you’re going and who you’re going with, if you’ve decided to get some travel under your belt then there’s no other experience that can compete. South East Asia, South America or Down Under in Australia, you name it and you’ll find chances to learn and have fun in every pocket on the planet.
However, as with doing anything for the first time, there are plenty of tips and words of advice that you should most definitely heed before the off and if you’ve never been away from home for an extended period of time before then read on and take some notes.
First and foremost it’s important to know where you’re going on a map of the world and roughly what you can expect to find upon arrival. The language, culture and history of your chosen destination or destinations should all be researched and if you can mark down what you’d dearly love to see and do then you’ll be able to piece together a rough itinerary to work around.
Knowing how your money back home relates to the currency in the country that you’re travelling to is vital for keeping on top of your finances. Give yourself a budget to stick to as well as some extra cash for emergencies or treats. Knowing in advance how much things cost (including accommodation and food) will arm you with all the facts to help your cash and yourself go further.
Every country and city has its trouble spots and knowing where these are and what to look out for is definitely best practise. If you’re travelling alone then try to tag on with a group or make sure you’re extra careful, especially at night or while consuming alcohol. Keep your passport either in a safe place or about your person and make sure all important numbers and documents are scanned and recorded at home so you can still use them in the event of an emergency.
Being away from home often presents an awesome excuse to go crazy and treat every day like a party. Of course, this is just part and parcel of being young and having fun but if you can learn while you’re on your travels then you’ll achieve a much higher level of enjoyment and plenty of knowledge and experience to bring home and use in the future.
It is a great idea to have an idea where you want your travels to take you however, if you can try to be flexible and relaxed then you’ll find you have a much greater experience by living for the moment. Of course, don’t miss flight times or other important dates but simply taking a couple of days to see an island or temple that you’ve just heard about is what travelling is all about and shouldn’t be put off just because you hadn’t prepared for it in advance.
The chance to meet new people and find out about local lives is an extremely important part of travelling and something that you’ll keep forever in your heart and mind. Be careful not to dive straight in with familiar groups straight away but judge people on their self worth as opposed to their country of origin. Be careful but be brave and you never know who you’ll meet and where this chance encounter may lead.
Hostels are best for the budget backpacker and a great way to meet new people in a relatively safe environment. Don’t be too fussy about your room as you probably won’t be spending too much time in it but do research online as to feedback and don’t be afraid to check out new lodging before paying at the front desk as this is pretty much standard procedure.
Getting on-board a local bus or train can be an exhilarating and sometimes uncomfortable experience but one that you’ll no doubt remember for years to come. If you want to meet new people then there are often loads of tourist buses that are designed to take and drop off to the most popular areas. However you mean to travel, find out the price first and try to take a few comfortable items if you want to snuggle down and get some rest.
One of the best means of travelling if your a new starter is to join an organised group or consider a country where English is the first language. Grand American Adventures offers tours all over the States and are a great first port of call if you’re looking for further tips, advice and ideas.