Tips for UK Fresh Graduates

Unemployment can increase month after month. Rising unemployment just reflects more cuts than job creation. So, if the period is agonizing for the young graduates, one should not sink into an extreme pessimism, or worse in a fatalism with consequences self-fulfilling: the candidate who thinks that everything is lost is, in fact, less well armed that he who grows to his future. Here are some tips for young graduates
Mobilize your network
Not all available jobs are advertised. There is a grey market, as recruiting professionals say. It groups together all the offers that are filled by word of mouth or the employer’s network. For the latter, to broadcast a classified ad has a cost. As the number of job seekers increases, each offer receives more responses. The administrative processing of applications is also growing. It is more expensive for companies that are hesitant to publish an offer.
Answering job offers is not enough: mobilizing your network is also necessary to let people know that you are looking for work. The young graduate looking for a job may feel lonely, but he knows a lot more people than he thinks. Do not hesitate to contact your internship manager two years ago. Similarly, you worked in a fast food restaurant to pay for your studies and the manager had a friend who worked in the company that makes you dream today? Call him. On one condition: have a specific request to make. Prepare this interview. A network is also a teacher from the professional world, or the father of a friend etc.
Money does not make happiness
Everything comes to the point for who knows how to wait, pretends the proverb. So will it be with your salary expectations. In a sluggish market like the current job market, do not expect to get the same pay as your classmates who graduated the same degree 2 or 4 years ago. It is surely unfair, but it is so. Salary is a price that reflects supply and demand at a given moment. Rather than refuse an offer with a salary that seems too low, get around the obstacle. Denying a job for a lower salary of 3000 euros per year does not make sense. It is better to accept and ask for a contractual renegotiation, 6 to 12 months after hiring. In 6 to 12 months, you will have proven yourself, while today, the employer recruiting you takes a risk. He does not know what your qualities and skills are.
To avoid unpleasant surprises, perhaps specify what is expected of you, to be able to show in 6 months that you have achieved the objectives that we have set for you. And if the employer does not play the game, you can always leave, with this first experience. More than ever, a young graduate has to look beyond salary alone. It must examine the notoriety of the employer, the progress capabilities that are also proposed.
Take the opportunity to learn a little more
While some courses are deemed to prepare future professionals, others are more general, less qualified. In a word, the former student does not necessarily have all the tools for the company. As much to say it: it will be more difficult for them. The crisis is a time when companies do not like to take risks. Between two applications, they will prefer the least risky. Rather than staying idle, further training can be a real plus.
Group Search
Regardless of age, the main enemy of the job seeker is a discouragement. One solution to keep up the good times against all odds: do not stay alone. Forced inactivity is a difficult test that leads people to question what they are worth. One must avoid as much as possible to remain inactive. Better not to be alone in front of your computer screen. Young graduates are advised to go to the premises of their association; a group with their friends. Take stock of your steps, share your experiences.
Open the field of your research
Being inactive search is not responding to all the rare offers found on the Internet. A young person who wants to become a management controller must learn about the business and the market. You have to widen your possibilities and plan B, see plan C. Looking for a job also means making spontaneous applications. It is, therefore, necessary to identify the companies likely to interest you. Your list should not be limited to the stars of the CAC 40, the happy few that are spoken in the newspapers. Young graduates must not forget the SMEs of 200 people looking for executives and who have trouble hiring.
More than ever, be imaginative, try, invent. The qualities you will deploy in your job search will also serve you in your professional life like Descriptive Essay. It is sort of your first mission.