Most Favourite Countries for Food Fun Trip in 2018

Travel and food are like two sides of a coin that compliment each other. You cannot experience a well-rounded travel without venturing the local cuisine. Foodie trip is gathering fans recently because it is fun, exciting and making your tummy very happy. Of course, every country has its own specialty dishes that will make your taste bud in the seventh heaven. However, some countries are taking its traditional cuisine into a whole different level with utmost care. So if you are looking for the best country in the world for a foodie tour, here is the list that you should not miss.
The Indian food is all about sweet, spicy, savory, tangy, and all other tastes that you can name it. Thanks to their love of spices, experiencing foodies trip in New Delhi, India will never bore you. You will find a whole new knowledge of spices that open your mind and the most strangely good taste that will make every dishes that you tried an excellent adventure.
The Singaporean does not take it lightly in terms of food. Eating together with the family is considered the most important social act and preserved culture. What makes it more interesting is that Singapore is such a diverse hub of ethnicity, which makes its dishes a brilliant fusion cuisine from Asian countries, like Thailand, China, India, and Malay.
British people know the best way to make any cuisine shine at its simplest. The kingdom is known for the best traditional food in the world, including the popular Fish and Chips, the Shepherd Pie, Scones, and many more. When you stay in the country that has a strong cultural root on food, it is really a waste if you do not try as many dishes as you can. So start your day with a hearty English breakfast and enjoy your afternoon tea in this beautiful country.
To say that a German citizen loves their meat is definitely underrated. The truth is, this country is a meat lover paradise where you can find a lot of meat-based delicacies that will make your tummy doing backflip wherever you try a new cuisine. From Weiner to schnitzel, you will find yourself in a food coma no matter where you go. Do not forget to try the local beer because it really goes well with the sausage platter.
Do you need a budget trip that will satisfy your eyes and taste bud at the same time? Then the best place that you have to visit is the country of Thai. Thailand is known for delicious traditional food. Its street food market is a heaven for any foodies that love to eat something fresh and savory which you can get at a very affordable price. For those who long for a more challenging food adventure, try the traditional exotic snack that varies from the chicken intestine, fried cricket, and even scorpion.