Learn Simple and Easy Tips to Reduce Two Stroke Spooge

Two stroke “spooge” is a common issue that occurs in bikes. No one would like to see their two-stroke covered in dirty oily spooge or thick white fumes coming out of the silencer. To get rid of this problem, people adopt numerous ways such as reducing the quantity of pre-mix oil in your gasoline, etc. All these tricks simply do not work.
In this article, we are sharing with you some proven ways to reduce the spooge easily and effectively.
Learn about Spooge?
Spooge is a mixture of unburned fuel and oil that exits out of the engine of a bike.
Factors that lead to spooge
The level of gasoline increases when the engine runs too rich. It is the cause behind the occurrence of spooge. This excess gasoline causes the temperature of the combustion chamber to become very low to burn the gasoline and oil efficiently.
This leads to unburned fuel also called as spooge. To prevent this issue, we need to make efforts to run the engine leaner or at a higher temperature. Yamaha YZ250 motorcycle service manual is a complete guide for people, who want to learn to repair their vehicle on their own.
How to eliminate it?
There are several ways to run the engine leaner. Below are mentioned few effective ways to lower or eliminate two stroke spooge.
A close look at the tip of the spark plug
Look at the spark plug. Our aim is to find a light brown tip of the spark plug. The condition of the spark plug will tell you the condition of your engine. You will get an indication whether the temperature of the combustion chamber is too cold or hot or moderate.
A white tip indicates that the engine is running lean and the chamber is too hot whereas a dark black and oily tip indicates the chamber is too cold and the engine is running too rich. So ensure that the temperature in the combustion chamber is kept too hot to prevent this issue.
Ensure fresh engine top
Another way is to replace the worn set of rings with a poor seal that results in excess spooge. This will ensure a fresh top end of the engine. Yamaha manuals are an extensive source of informative articles available for instant downloading. These manuals are provided for different makes and models of Yamaha vehicles.
Replace damaged reed petals
Spooge can also result due to broken reed petals. You should replace them as a solution to eliminate excess spooge.
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Trying bizarre ways to get away with the spooge issue does not help!! To eliminate this problem, it is very important to understand about the two stroke spooge and its causes. This will help you understand how to prevent this issue successfully. By following these tips, you can surely overcome this issue forever.