Know All About NTSE

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a national level scholarship program which is funded by NCERT and was introduced in year 1961. As an initiative to award meritorious students, a stipend up to Ph.D. level in Social Sciences, Basic sciences and Commerce is awarded to students who become NTSE Scholars. The scholarship program aims to promote higher education and to give financial support to those blessed with intelligence.
NTSE is conducted in two stages for the students of class 10. 1000 scholarships are awarded every year out of which 250 are reserved for SC, ST and physically challenged students.
Not only just scholarships, being an NTSE scholar adds more brownie points to your CV. Therefore, prepare sincerely as it holds the key to your splendid future. Here are a few advantages you get being an NTSE Scholar:
NTSE is conducted in two stages, Stage-1 and Stage-2, the details of which are mentioned below.
NTSE Stage-1:
NTSE Stage-2:
About one thousand (1000) scholarships are awarded for NTSE as follows:
For a candidate to be eligible to take NTSE 2018, he must fulfil the following criteria.
The question paper is divided into two sections – Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT).
MAT: The questions in this section are designed to judge the ability to think, power of reasoning, ability to judge, evaluate, visualise in space, etc. Questions are asked from series, analogies, pattern perception, classification, coding-decoding, problem solving, hidden figures, block assembly, etc.
SAT: The questions in this section is further divided into language test and test for science, math and social sciences. The language test consists of questions either from English or Hindi (as selected by the user).