We should know that SEO shouldn’t stop with bringing enough traffic to our website and there are a number of possible issues. It is important to make sure that when people finally visit our website, they will continue to stay and may even return in the future. Gaining the top position in SERP will still be a big waste of time, if we can’t impress and retain our potential audience. Higher results, in terms of sales and ad clicks can be achieved when people stay longer than five minutes in our website. If we manage to hold them for one minute, then we are in the right direction and we could further improve our website.

SEO consultants also need to make sure that the higher traffic they bring will translate to better sales. We need to know that people have specific eye-tracking behaviours and they may read content in an F-shaped pattern. It means that they will scan a few lines from top left to the right. They will skip a bunch of text, until they find something interesting. It is clear that the top part of our website is the most important real estate of our website. It is important for us to include proper content in this area so we can trap visitors’ eyeballs, so they will read our content. Based on studies, people who are interested to read the first lines of the websites are more likely to stay.

It means that we should know what people want most in our website and we immediately promise them things that they can get in our website. If they are interested enough, they will explore our website and it is important that we are able to fulfil this promise. Very often, people visit our website through individual webpages listed in search engine ranks, not from main page. It is no longer appropriate to think that our main page is the primary landing page. Some of more popular webpages in our website, could bring in more traffic than the main page. For this reason, we should also apply the same technique.

By using the real estate in our website properly, it is possible that we will raise curiosity among our visitors. However, it depends on us to ensure that people will be interested to read the rest of our content. The most expensive real estate in our webpage isn’t only located on top, but also at the bottom.

This applies when people have been encouraged to read until the end of our content. A list of featured articles placed at the bottom of the content, may encourage people to read more content in our website. Other content in our website should be relevant with the first content that people read. We should be able to achieve this installing some plugins or code snippets that automatically generate a list of featured content based on dominant keywords used by a webpage. By using the above methods, we will be able to extend the effectiveness of our SEO campaign.