How to Create a Beautiful Nursery

When a new arrival is imminent, most parents to be start thinking about the nursery. The nursery is an important part of your babies life and can be a beautiful addition to your home.
Thinking about what style you would like for your child’s nursery is part of the fun and a good way to begin is looking for inspiration on the internet.
Some popular nursery styles to research include the following
Vintage style nursery
Shabby Chic style nursery
Educational nursery
Contemporary nursery
The most important thing to consider when you are choosing colour schemes and decoration, is that you will also be spending a lot of time in the nursery…especially if you plan on feeding the baby there.
Invest firstly in a good quality nursing chair; whilst these can be somewhat expensive they can always be re-sold once you are finished with them and they can really help to make those late night feeds less of a chore!
Many nursing chairs feature adjustable backrests which are invaluable for helping you to get some rest whilst you feed.
A changing table and cot or cradle are the next considerations and not all people feel the need of a changing table. Those Mothers who have undergone surgery however will find that a changing table is a wonderful thing. The ability to change a baby whilst standing is a relief because kneeling or crouching on the floor is not a good idea after surgery!
Decor and colour schemes for nurseries should be kept neutral if possible. Pale colours are popular as they are calming and you can add colour and interested with framed art, wall stickers and posters which may be changed and replaced as your baby grows.
If you are find of the vintage style then you can achieve a beautiful look with cot or cradle drapes. These are attractive decorative curtains which hand over the top of the cradle; it is vital however that these do not hang within the cradle itself or they may create a hazard for the baby.
Adding a soft rug and seating with pretty, bright cushions is a great idea and a night light with a soft glow will create a beautiful atmosphere. If you want to use a vintage night light, ensure that it is safe to use by taking it to an electrician for testing in case it is a fire hazard. Older models can usually be fitted out with new wiring to bring them up to today’s standards.
Curtains should be of similar tone to other soft furnishings but it is best to opt for a different print or the look will become too “matchy” which is not very stylish.
If you would like your child’s nursery to be stimulating, then consider adding bright primary colours; babies love bold and contrasting hues and this will help your baby to develop and to grow.
Low open shelving for toys and books is a good idea and once your child begins to explore their surrounding they will be able to access their things with ease.