How To Care Of Your Curly Hair

Most curly hair is dryer than other types of hair. It’s more brittle and tends to frizz. Curly hair needs more care than usual straight hair.
1. Don’t over shampoo your hair, you should use shampoo no more than twice a week. Shampoo has negative effect that it can strip the natural oil of your hair.
2. To maintain your hair health, you should use leave-in conditioner daily or every other day.
3. Every time after applying shampoo, you should use a conditioner to keep your hair in moist condition.
4. Use conditioner and shampoo that are produced specifically for curly hair. Use hair steamer for better moisturizing your hair.
5. You don’t want to use narrow toothed brushes and combs. You should use wide toothed ones in order to prevent breakage and frizzing.
6. In order to detangle hair, during shower time, use your fingers to start untangling with your hair moist and conditioned then finish by using a wide toothed comb. Start combing from the end going up and finish at the root of your hair.
7. Now rinse your hair with water while keeping half of the conditioner in your hair. To prevent your hair from frizzing, don’t try to detangle your hair when it’s dry.
8. To reduce frizzing you should let your hair aid dry. Don’t brush but use a towel to dry your hair. If you want to dry your hair faster, you should blot it with a towel and don’t rub it.
9. Once or twice a month, do a deep conditioning on your hair to re-moisturize your hair and scalp.
10. Don’t play with your hair or touch it too often to avoid your hair from tangling and frizzing that are caused by friction.
Use a proper amount of styling product that has moisturizing ingredients. When your hair is still slightly moist, gently style it with your finger to keep it from frizzing. Apply the styling in every section so it is evenly distributed.
Heredity and hormones are the two main factors that produce natural curly hair. Watch the instructor from Aveda salon explained naturally curly hair factors and shared her tips on How to Style Curly Hair. Prevent hair naturally with following tips.
Essential oil: Essential oils are used over the scalp for improving the circulation over the scalp. It encourages the generation of cells. The most widely and beneficial oils include clary sage, lavender, eucalyptus, cedarwood and the rosemary.
Method of using: any of the essential oil can be used by following the method described here. Add 10 drops of any essential oil along with the one ounce of carrier oil (olive oil or jojoba oil). Massage this mixture over the scalp for at least 15 minutes and then shampoo hairs.
Cayenne pepper hair tonic: The use of this herb is to eliminate the irritating skin, stimulating the cell division and increasing the flow of the blood.
Recipe: Cayenne pepper tonic can be applied over the head by mixing the four ounces of cayenne pepper with the one pint of 100 proof pure alcohol or vodka. The alcohol or vodka must be diluted with 20 percent of distilled water. Leave the mixture for two weeks and shake the mixture daily, once. Strain the mixture in several layers of fine cloth and use after all the pepper is removed from it. Use the mixture over the scalp once or twice a day. Rub it over the thinning areas of the scalp.
More information about the traditional way of treating the hair loss can be obtained, easily. Omega 6s can contain the same healthy fats that can be obtained from the vegetable oils. Flax seeds also have omega 6 fatty acid in the form of linoleic acid.
Omega 3 also has same effects over the hairs and it can be obtained from the fish oil. It contains all the essential fatty acids that ensure the better health of the hairs.